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I'm facing a bug when I redirect to another controller, that redirects the user
to the login prompt, after having been authenticated.

The code is too large to post here but was working before I refactored some
modules (mostly by using cache on DB requests), and I can't reproduced it but in
a particular controller (all the other redirects work as expected).

The problem is that this *only happens on the web server*. When I run it locally
it works as expected.

The server is running Debian Wheezy + Apache.

I'm quite sure that the problem is in my code (since everything else is working
fine), but I can not reproduce it locally and debug on the web server is not an

The controllers affected:

def create():
    ent_type_id = int( request.args( 0 ) )
    doc_type_id = int( request.args( 1 ) )
    entId = int( request.args( 2 ) or 0 )
    q = (db.ent_doc_type.ent_type_id == ent_type_id)
    q &= (db.ent_doc_type.doc_type_id == doc_type_id)
    edt = db( q ).select().first()
    bizDoc = BizDoc() # defined in a module (dictionary like)
    bizDoc.doc.ent_doc_type_id = edt.id

    session.bizDoc = bizDoc

    url = URL( c='docs', f='creating' )
    term.printDebug( 'url: %s' % repr( url ) )
    redirect( url )

def creating():
    term.printLog( 'request.args: %s\n' % ( repr( request.args ) ) )
    term.printLog( 'request.vars: %s\n' % ( repr( request.vars ) ) )

If I comment BizDoc references out, the redirect works fine. BizDoc is a class
that extends Storage.

The BIG (and difficult) question is: where should I look to track a bug like
this, without reverting all changes and applying them one by one?

- -- 
Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Carlos Correia
Tel.: 219 291 591 - GSM:  917 157 146 / 967 511 762
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