>  yes but, if the connection is recycled, a new session is created for the 
> same connection,
Depends what "recycled" means.  I thought the idea of a pool_size was that 
the session is reused, saving on database login time.  the code in 
ConnectionPool.reconnect()  implies that the pool keeps open existing 
connections (& cursors ?)  self.connection = POOL[uri].pop()
Did you mean cursor instead of session ?

>  A new cursor is created when a connection is recycled (pool_size>0). 
Yes, I can see that in self.cursor = cursor and self.connection.cursor()

>  This is possible. We close the connection (when necessary) but I do not 
>> think there is a concept of closing a cursor. How would you close it on 
>> Teradata?
Teradata is using pyodbc, and it is possible to do cursor.close(), as well 
as connection.close().    http://code.google.com/p/pyodbc/wiki/Cursor  .
What I think is happening is that each new request is creating a new 
cursor, possibly with existing connections from the pool.   At the end of 
the request the cursor is not closed and stays open.    After a few 
requests the number of cursors builds up for the connection, and pretty 
soon the 16 cursor limit is reached.
I think what is missing is that at the end of a request there should be a 
self.cursor.close(), or for the DAL: self._adapter.cursor.close().   
Where is dal.py does a connection get returned to the pool when the request 
is finished ?   
Given that a connection is meant to have a single curror, in the case of 
pyodbc, should methods like commit, rollback, and close be at the cursor 
level, not the connection level ?   
I think a workaround is to not set pool_size, thereby getting a new session 
with only one cursor each time, but this will be a lot slower.
Sorry if this has turned into more of a developer post.
Andrew W

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