I made a bare bones app based on the welcome app:

In db.py:
T.current_languages = ['en']

in en-us.py:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'en-us',
'!langname!': 'English (American)',
'xyztest': 'Pass! (US English)'

in en-gb.py:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'en-gb',
'!langname!': 'English (British)',

'xyztest': 'Pass! (UK)'


In a view:
<h2>Language testing:</h2>
string: <strong>{{=T('xyztest')}}</strong><br>
current_languages: {{=T.current_languages}}<br>
T.http_accept_language: {{=T.http_accept_language}}<br>
T.accepted_language: {{=T.accepted_language}}<br>

The rendered output of this is:

string: *xyztest*
T.current_languages: ['en']
T.http_accept_language: en-us,en;q=0.5
T.accepted_language: en-us

Why does this not get translated? By contrast, if I set my browser accept 
language to include en-gb the rendered output is:

string:* Pass! (UK)*
T.current_languages: ['en']
T.http_accept_language: en-gb,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
T.accepted_language: en-gb

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