Now I see your POV. You are speaking about browser's scrollbars and not 
about div content area scrollbars. The "overflow:auto" setting has been 
applied to the container div of the result table for aestethic reasons 
because such div should have a width of 80% but there is a bug in the code. 
I will send a patch on web2py issue tracker.
Anyway, if you are not confortable with "overflow:auto" and since appadmin 
is a part of w2p application you can easily customize it by replacing the 
line 68 in  /views/appadmin.html with a simple "<div>". 

Il giorno lunedì 14 aprile 2014 08:25:00 UTC+2, User ha scritto:
> Yes but with overflow:visible (the default css setting) there are no 
> scroll bars and if the table has enough columns then the browser will show 
> a horizontal scrollbar anyway as part of the browser window (as opposed to 
> with auto showing the scrollbars as part of the div).  With "auto" It just 
> gives the feeling of html frames which I thought most people agree are 
> annoying except in limited circumstances.
> For me it just seems like overflow: auto is just an annoyance with no 
> benefit, but I was wondering if there was something I was overlooking.  
> On Sunday, April 13, 2014 1:46:32 PM UTC-4, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>> With overflow:auto the scrollbars (vertical and horizontal) are visible 
>> only when it is necessary.
>> Making scrollbars visible only when you need them is for aesthetic 
>> reasons. Indeed not all the tables have a great number of columns. 
>> Il giorno domenica 13 aprile 2014 13:32:41 UTC+2, User ha scritto:
>>> Sorry you're right it's auto not hidden that was a typo.  But why not 
>>> make it visible?
>>> On Sunday, April 13, 2014 5:37:53 AM UTC-4, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>>>> If you mean the view "*appadmin/select/db?query=your query"* actually 
>>>> the table with the resulting rows is wrapped in a div with "
>>>> overflow:auto".
>>>> Therefore if you have more columns than the width of the browser a 
>>>> horizontal scrollbar will be shown and the table will scroll horizontally. 
>>>> The horizontal scrollbar (that is managed by browser not by web2py) is 
>>>> positioned after the last displayed row but you can scroll the table with 
>>>> arrow keys on the keyboard.
>>>> For the sake of completeness, if the div wrapper had "overflow:hidden" 
>>>> you couldn't see any scrollbar.
>>>> Il giorno domenica 13 aprile 2014 03:01:35 UTC+2, User ha scritto:
>>>>> In appadmin, if I query a table that has more columns than the width 
>>>>> of my browser there will be a horizontal scrollbar places on the div 
>>>>> containing the database rows.  I find this annoying because in order to 
>>>>> scroll horizontally I have to go to the bottom of the search results 
>>>>> first 
>>>>> to find the horizontal scrollbar and then scroll.
>>>>> If the containing div had overflow: visible then I could use the 
>>>>> browser's horizontal scrollbar which is much more convenient.  My 
>>>>> question 
>>>>> is what purpose does having overflow = hidden serve in this context?

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