Very temporarily :-) I check it out by inspecting session every step of the 
way before, during and after the ajax call.

Now, one new thing I noticed is that my number of sessions has exploded, 
which makes no sense at all. The ajax call to the default controller is 
happening from within an anonymous function triggered by a bootstrap nav 
click. Looks something like this:

    mytabs.on("", function(e) {
        ajax("{{= URL('default', 'settab', args=[...])",[],":eval");
        web2py_component(...);  // used to populate contents of tab

I'm not sure whether this would account for why I have so many sessions 
sprouting up. But I do know that when I took out this code and found a 
different implementation that sets the session from within the controller 
that does the populating of the tab's div on click, then all of a sudden my 
problems go away.

So bottom line, I go this solved. But the reasons are mysterious to me. I 
don't see why I should be getting so many sessions from the ajax call, or 
even whether that was my culprit. Unfortunately, I lost so much time 
chasing this issue I have to move on. But I'd like to figure out what 
actually was going on under the hood.

On Friday, June 6, 2014 9:33:02 PM UTC+8, Anthony wrote:
> You said the dict gets deleted temporarily? How temporarily? How are you 
> checking that? Is it only deleted during the current request? If so, sounds 
> like for some reason the session isn't getting saved. Are you using the 
> default file based sessions?
> On Friday, June 6, 2014 9:08:38 AM UTC-4, weheh wrote:
>> Fair question. Dunno the answer. It was just an example. The real 
>> application is that I'm filling the dict with other stuff. It's keeping 
>> track of the state of my GUI -- active tabs and stuff. So in that case, the 
>> empty session.myvar condition would not be triggered. In any event, I have 
>> a breakpoint set on session.myvar getting reset and it is never reached, so 
>> the empty dict condition isn't getting triggered.
>> On Friday, June 6, 2014 8:28:29 PM UTC+8, Anthony wrote:
>>> Just to be clear, when you delete session.myvars[somevar], you are sure 
>>> session.myvars still contains other dictionaries and is not at this point 
>>> an empty dictionary (which would trigger the model code to refill it)?
>>> On Friday, June 6, 2014 3:46:11 AM UTC-4, weheh wrote:
>>>> I'm using an ajax call to controller. The sets a 
>>>> session variable. Paraphrased, it looks like this:
>>>> # model
>>>> if not session.myvars:
>>>>     session.myvars = dict(
>>>>         somevar=dict(),
>>>>         othervar=dict(),
>>>>         ...
>>>>         )
>>>> # view
>>>> <script> 
>>>> ...
>>>>         ajax("{{= URL('default', 'setvar', args=[...])}}",[],":eval");
>>>> ...
>>>> </script>
>>>> #
>>>> if False:
>>>>     session = current.session  # to make Eclipse happy
>>>> def setvar():
>>>>     ...
>>>>     del session.myvars['somevar']
>>>>     ...
>>>>     return ''
>>>> In other controllers, the session.myvars['somevar'] is given a useful 
>>>> value.
>>>> Here's the really strange thing. If the ajax script is triggered, the 
>>>> session.myvars['someval'] dict gets deleted as desired. However, only 
>>>> temporarily! When another controller later on uses session.myvars, the old 
>>>> session.myvars['somevar'] is still in existence.
>>>> If I reproduce this by putting the del session.myvars['somevar'] in one 
>>>> of my other controllers, the session.myvars['somevar'] gets deleted 
>>>> permanently, as desired.
>>>> This doesn't just happen for deleting session variables. It also 
>>>> happens for setting session variables inside the controller.
>>>> OK, here's another clue. Ready? When I put a breakpoint in eclipse and 
>>>> stop the default controller from executing straight through, then the 
>>>> session variable gets deleted for sure.
>>>> Why is this happening? This has got my head spinning! Is there 
>>>> something special about that I don't know about? Are you not 
>>>> supposed to manipulate session variables in there? Is there a cache issue 
>>>> going on here?

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