On Monday, August 4, 2014 10:38:25 AM UTC-7, ROHIT NEGI wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to web2py and I'm quite confused as to how I will be able to 
> deploy application on web? Even if I make a web2py app, how will I be able 
> to make a site from it as I'm making apps on the web2py site?

I'm not sure you are making apps on web2py.com.   That's the web2py site.

If you've downloaded the web2py executable and are running it on a local 
machine, that machine is *your* server.  Sometimes that machine can be 
visible to the world for web access, but it's more common to access that 
machine only on a local area network (LAN) (your LAN  can be big or small 
... maybe just 2 machines, say a desktop and a laptop, on the same wifi 
segment).  The local machine is used for a "development server" where you 
try out and debug your code.  Then when you're ready for a wider audience, 
you find a host service and set up an account that will run your 
"production server".  The hosting service takes care of the nuts and bolts 
of server hardware and routers and suitable ISP connections, and their 
customer service will often be able to get you started on installing your 
OS (some hosts come with the OS pre-installed) and other software setup 

Some of the widely available hosting services mentioned around here (that 
is, in posts to the Web2py Google Groups discussion forum) include  Python 
Anywhere, Google App Engine, Digital Ocean, DreamHost, heroku, HostGator, 
and  BeagleBone.  There are also plenty of local hosting services in many 
cities, and some allow physical access to "your" server.

The hosting service typically provides a "virtual machine" or VM, and and 
it can be helpful if you've used one of those before you go to open your 
account.  Get VMWare Player of Virtual Box or Xen and try some simple 
setups.  This is also a good, cheap way to learn a different OS (if, say, 
you're a Windows person but you want to use a flavor of Linux as well), or 
how to set up and maintain some software packages (Apache or NginX, for 
instance).  You can even do your development server in a VM and then your 
network is just one piece of hardware with a "virtual ethernet" connection.

If all this made your eyes glaze over, relax and take it a little bit at a 
time.  Practice the samples in the book, find Massimo's videos, continue to 
read the group and to visit some of the sites people here show off, and it 
will come to you.


- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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