
I'm writing a web app for my home server to allow me to scan and store 
images of official correspondence, so I can shred the paper and recycle it. 
 A document archive.

I have the scanner components written [using pyinsane]

I have an idea of the models required, tables to hold the sender, date, 
page number, header ref, header date, received date etc.

What I want to know is how best to handle the scanning and image storing.

I don't really [I don't think] want to store the images in the database, be 
that sqlite or pgsql [or do I?]

At the moment my python scanner scans the image, and stores it in a 
directory which is a NFS mount on my NAS. 

My web2py application would have to read this image and present it for 
confirmation, checking before storing the index entry, and the path to the 
image into the database.

So, firstly, how best to present the scanned image to the user for 
acceptance, can I do this from an arbitrary location [guessing not], I do 
have a PIL image in memory, so can I present that in web2py, if I can't 
link an IMG= to the arbitrary disk location

Sorry if my questions sound vague, I'm just getting to grips with web2py [ 
used it a whole 3 days! ]

Thanks for any pointers. Including NO! YOU FOOL! DON'T DO IT!

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