
I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem or not. 
Basically, I get a segmentation fault (scheduler process killed by signal 
11) if I try to start more than one scheduler under OS X.
The problem can be reproduced with the built-in welcome app by adding a 

    from gluon.scheduler import  Scheduler
    SCHEDULER = Scheduler(db)
and then start the scheduler like this:

    ./web2py -K welcome,welcome

I'm running web2py R-2.9.11 with python 2.7.8 (also same result with 
apple's python 2.7.6) on OS X 10.10.1(also got the same result on Maverick).
I've managed to track down the problem to the getproxies() call in urllib 
which leads me to this bug: http://bugs.python.org/issue9405

By following the suggestion in the bug report, I was able to work around 
this problem by this patch:

diff --git a/gluon/widget.py b/gluon/widget.py
index cf885ae..62a38ee 100644
--- a/gluon/widget.py
+++ b/gluon/widget.py
@@ -1051,6 +1051,11 @@ def start_schedulers(options):
         print 'starting single-scheduler for "%s"...' % app_
         run(app_, True, True, None, False, code)
+    # Work around OS X problem: http://bugs.python.org/issue9405
+    import urllib
+    urllib.getproxies()
     for app in apps:
         app_, code = get_code_for_scheduler(app, options)
         if not app_:

Just wanted to throw this out in case anyone meets the problem.


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