this is nice and clean! :-)

On Sunday, 18 January 2015 20:03:56 UTC-6, UG wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer.
> It was quite easy but as a beginner it took me a while to figure this out, 
> so i thought i would write what i did in the hope it helps someone else.
> I followed the instructions in the documentation.
> You need to install the API as described then you need to remove or rename 
> the found in gluon/contrib
> in i
> *import stripe*
> and added
> *stripe.api_key = "Replace_with_your_key"*
> I used the Custom form from the Stripe documents in my view.
> Then in the controller i put the code from the example just a couple of 
> small changes. You change the request.POST to request.post_vars. You also 
> need to put this in an if loop.
> def createcustomer():
>      # Get the credit card details submitted by the form
>     if request.post_vars:
>         token = request.post_vars['stripeToken']
>         # Create the charge on Stripe's servers - this will charge the 
> user's card
>         try:
>             # Create a Customer
>             customer = stripe.Customer.create(
>                 card=token,
>                 description=""
>             )
>            # Charge the Customer instead of the card
>                stripe.Charge.create(
>                amount=1000, # in cents
>                currency="usd",
>            )
>             #Save Customer ID in your DB
>             db.customer.insert(customer_id = )
>             db.commit()
>             # Redirect to view post
>             session.flash = T("You Payed!")
>             return redirect(URL('default', 'view'))
>         except stripe.CardError, e:
>           # The card has been declined
>           response.flash = "Card Error"
>           pass
> I am a beginner, so there is probably a cleaner and better way, but the 
> above worked for me. Hope it helps
> On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 10:32:50 PM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> The StripeForm does not support it. Sorry. You have to use their API.
>> On Friday, 16 January 2015 20:13:25 UTC-6, UG wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i am a beginner in python and web2py. 
>>> i am using the stripe form in web2py to process credit cards. It is 
>>> simple and all works when i make a test. 
>>> what i want to do is make what stripe calls a "customer" so that i can 
>>> make a charge at a later time. 
>>> i tried to read through the stripe file in gluon but can not figure it 
>>> out , Is there something i pass to the form instead of "amount" to get it 
>>> to generate the customer token instead of a charge?
>>> Or is it something else?
>>> i would appreciate any direction on this.
>>> Thanks

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