If it helps at all, here's the controller function that creates and 
processes the form:

def dupAndEdit():
    """Create and process a form to insert a new record, pre-populated
    with field values copied from an existing record."""
    tablename = request.args[0]
    rowid = request.args[1]
    orderby = request.vars['orderby'] or 'id'
    restrictor = request.vars['restrictor'] or None
    formname = '%s/%s/dup' % (tablename, rowid)

    src = db(db[tablename].id == rowid).select().first()
    form = SQLFORM(db[tablename], separator='', showid=True, formstyle='ul')

    for v in db[tablename].fields:
        # on opening populate duplicate values
        form.vars[v] = src[v] if v != 'id' and v in src else None
        # FIXME: ajaxselect field values have to be added manually
        if db[tablename].fields[1] in request.vars.keys():  # on submit add 
ajaxselect values
            extras = [f for f in db[tablename].fields
                      if f not in form.vars.keys()]
            for e in extras:
                form.vars[e] = request.vars[e] if e in request.vars.keys() \
                    else ''
    del form.vars['id']
    print 'form vars ========================================='

    if form.process(formname=formname).accepted:
        print 'accepted form ================================='
        the_url = makeurl(tablename, orderby, restrictor)
        response.js = "web2py_component('%s', " \
                      "'listpane');" % the_url
        response.flash = 'New record successfully created.'
    elif form.errors:
        print 'listandedit form errors:', [e for e in form.errors]
        print 'listandedit form vars:', form.vars
        response.flash = 'Sorry, there was an error processing '\
                         'the form. The new record has not been created.'

    return dict(form=form)

On Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 4:28:15 PM UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:
> what about if you start a shell and issue the insert statement with a 
> db.commit() ? does it hang also there ?
> On Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 10:05:30 PM UTC+1, Ian W. Scott wrote:
>> Oh, and I'm running version 2.9.11-stable.
>> On Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 4:00:54 PM UTC-5, Ian W. Scott wrote:
>>> I have a create form (SQLFORM) that works (a new record is actually 
>>> created) but immediately after inserting the new record the web2py process 
>>> hangs. The form remains greyed out and no other functions will work (e.g., 
>>> can't refresh the page or navigate away). But there's no error raised. Can 
>>> anyone help me figure out what is causing the hang?
>>> I've pinpointed the point where the hang occurs: the call to 
>>> gluon.DAL.Table.insert in gluon.SQLFORM.accepts (around line 1671 in the 
>>> current stable version). What's strange is that the Table.insert method 
>>> does finish without any errors. But when it returns to SQLFORM.accepts the 
>>> execution hangs. A print statement immediately following the call to 
>>> Table.insert is not executed.
>>> If it helps to know, I'm using postgresql running on apache.
>>> Here is an example of the data being sent by SQLFORM.accepts to 
>>> Table.insert:
>>> {'hints': [],
>>>  'instructions': [13L, 14L],
>>>  'lemmas': [],
>>>  'locations': [11L],
>>>  'modified_on': datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 19, 18, 15, 32),
>>>  'npcs': [32L],
>>>  'outcome1': '1.0',
>>>  'outcome2': '',
>>>  'outcome3': '',
>>>  'prompt': 'Repetition can serve to emphasize certain words in the 
>>> sentence, especially when the repeated words are close together. Which 
>>> words are emphasized in this way in \xce\x9a\xce\xb1\xcf\x84\xce\xb1 
>>> \xe1\xbc\xb8\xcf\x89\xce\xb1\xce\xbd\xce\xbd\xce\xb7\xcf\x82 
>>> 1:4?\r\n\r\n"\xe1\xbc\x98\xce\xbd \xce\xb1\xe1\xbd\x90\xcf\x84\xe1\xbf\xb3 
>>> \xce\xb6\xcf\x89\xce\xb7 \xe1\xbc\xa0\xce\xbd, \xce\xba\xce\xb1\xce\xb9 
>>> \xe1\xbc\xa1 \xce\xb6\xcf\x89\xce\xb7 \xe1\xbc\xa0\xce\xbd \xcf\x84\xce\xbf 
>>> \xcf\x86\xcf\x89\xcf\x82 \xcf\x84\xcf\x89\xce\xbd 
>>> \xe1\xbc\x80\xce\xbd\xce\xb8\xcf\x81\xcf\x89\xcf\x80\xcf\x89\xce\xbd."',
>>>  'prompt_audio': 1,
>>>  'readable_response': '\xce\xb6\xcf\x89\xce\xb7 \xe1\xbc\xa0\xce\xbd',
>>>  'response1': '^(\xe1\xbc\xa1 )?\xce\xb6\xcf\x89\xce\xb7( 
>>> \xe1\xbc\xa0\xce\xbd)?$',
>>>  'response2': '',
>>>  'response3': '',
>>>  'status': 1,
>>>  'step_options': [],
>>>  'tags': [202L],
>>>  'tags_ahead': [],
>>>  'tags_secondary': [],
>>>  'uuid': '51a9c0c0-18e5-4a9b-9b89-85eee6668170',
>>>  'widget_image': 9,
>>>  'widget_type': 1}
>>>  Again, the db record is actually created. The operation just stops any 
>>> further execution.

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