On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 5:11:22 PM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:
> However, I believe (at least in web2py 2.9.12) the first parameter in 
>> _after_insert() is NOT a dict, but a Row object. Because, my web2py app 
>> uses the following code in db.py, trying to send out a validation email to 
>> new registrated user:
>> def customized_email_verification(row, row_id):
>>     db(db.auth_user.id==row_id).update(registration_key="a random 
>>> string")  # I need this because my users are not registered from web UI 
>>     db.commit()  # commit BEFORE the time consuming email action, 
>>> otherwise a parallel requests could cause duplicated record in DB?!
>>     auth.settings.mailer.send(to=row["email"], subject="Hi", 
>> *message=customized_message 
>>> % row*)
>>> db.auth_user._after_insert.append(customized_email_verification)
>> and it ends up with a very confusing error as:
>> TypeError: format requires a mapping
>> Finally I located that line and changed it into:
>>     ... customized_message % row.as_dict()
>> and then it works.
>> So I am asking for your confirmation and suggest to fix the book 
>> accordingly.
> Yes, the first argument is a Row object, so we should probably update the 
> book. However, your error is odd because you can generally use a Row object 
> in that way without explicitly converting it to a dictionary. What is the 
> content of customized_message and the Row object when this error is 
> generated?

Thanks for the hint, Anthony. You are right, normally "Welcome 
%(first_name)s" % row will just work.

In my case, it looks like the error also has some something to do with the 
i18n, although I did not really use the translation feature. This is the 
last part of the error trace.

  File "C:\REPO\web2py\applications\v1\models\db.py", line 134, in 
    message=auth.messages.verify_email % row  # .as_dict()
  File "C:\REPO\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 468, in send
    elif message.strip().startswith('<html') and \
  File "C:\REPO\web2py\gluon\languages.py", line 403, in __getattr__
    return getattr(str(self), name)
  File "C:\REPO\web2py\gluon\languages.py", line 379, in __str__
    self.T.translate(self.m, self.s))
  File "C:\REPO\web2py\gluon\languages.py", line 937, in translate
    message = self.params_substitution(message, symbols)
  File "C:\REPO\web2py\gluon\languages.py", line 914, in params_substitution
    message = message % symbols
TypeError: format requires a mapping

The message is the default "Welcome %(first_name)s! Click on the link 
%(link)s to verify your email".
The symbols is, interestingly, a TUPLE containing only one item, which is 
the string representation of the Row. It looks like:
    ("<Row \x1e'first_name': 'Ray', ..., 'link': 'http://...'\x1f>",)

No wonder. Now we can use the following line to demonstrate the problem.

    >>> "Welcome %(first_name)s, pls click %(link)s" % ("whatever string",)
    TypeError: format requires a mapping

I did not further investigate what goes wrong inside the languages.py.

>> A followup question. The reason I need my clumsy 
>> customized_email_verification() in the first place, is because I seemingly 
>> have to do db.commit() BEFORE the time consuming email sending job. 
>> Otherwise I saw some randomly duplicated records in my auth_user table. I 
>> don't know the exact reason but my guess is, the tools.py's define_tables() 
>> uses IS_NOT_IN_DB() validators which only work in web2py level, but does 
>> NOT define any "unique=True" in the DB level. Is this considered as a 
>> defect?
> It's not a defect, just something you have to handle properly in your 
> code. You can separately set the unique=True argument when creating the 
> model, and that will be enforced by the database, 

I know I can always define my OTHER tables properly. But now we are talking 
about the web2py built-in auth_user table. Do I have to redefine them in my 
models/db.py EVERY TIME I start a new project? That doesn't sound right. Is 
there any reason we don't want to do that inside gluon/tools.py?


> but your problem then is that an attempted duplicate entry will end up 
> raising an exception and returning a 500 response unless you catch and 
> handle the error.

I can do this part.

>> Anthony

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