I have a custom starting script that I can share:

@echo off

rem Some variables...
set PORT=8002
set pidfile=web2py.pid
set mycommand=web2py_no_console.exe
set adminpassword=your_password
set urltodisplay=

rem Restarting Web2Py?
if exist %pidfile% (
    echo Stopping currently running Web2py...
    call __STOP.cmd # killing it

rem Starting Web2Py ?
netstat -an | FINDSTR ":%PORT%" | FINDSTR LISTENING && ECHO . && ECHO Port 
%PORT% is already in use. Please change starting script and relaunch it. && 
start notepad %0 && Pause && EXIT 1

rem Starting Web2Py ?
start %mycommand% -i -p %PORT% -a %adminpassword% -d %pidfile% -l 

rem Waiting then display page 
echo Server is starting, please wait...
ping -n 4 > NUL

rem launching page
start %urltodisplay%
echo If application is not starting, please visit %urltodisplay%
echo Otherwise feel free to close this window...

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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