Okay... must be something on my end. I'm getting Filaed to load resourrce: 
the server responded with a status of 500 (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR) 

I'll keep playing around with it and let you know how it turns out. Thank 
you so much, Richard!

On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 9:33:28 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
> you need bootstrap 2.3.2 (not tested with BS3, but I am pretty sure it is 
> not working, too differents)...
> Did you try it with a recent web2py setup? I would suggest you try with 
> web2py 2.9.5 which is what I use actually and it works...
> Richard
> On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:20 AM, LoveWeb2py <atayl...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Another observation:
>> All of this code:
>>> js += '$(function() {' \
>>>               '    $("#%s_option_add_trigger").button({' \
>>>               '        text: true,' \
>>>               '        icons: {' \
>>>               '            primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"' \
>>>               '        }' \
>>>               '    });' \
>>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>>         js += '$(function() { ' \
>>>               '    $( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).css("margin-left", 
>>> "+=5"); ' \
>>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>>         js += 
>>> '$("#{modal_id}").appendTo("body");'.format(modal_id=my_select_id 
>>> + "_modal-form")
>>>> Get's commented out when it's rendered so it ends up looking like this 
>> <!-- $(document).read(function() .... .appendTo("body");}); //-->
>> Any idea why that could be happening and would that impact the button 
>> showing the modal 
>> On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 8:45:49 AM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
>>> Hi Richard!
>>> I think I'm getting close. No more errors, and I applied the widget to 
>>> the field successfully. I see the + sign next to my field, but nothing 
>>> happens when I click it so I'm going over the javascript with a fine tooth 
>>> comb. Is there any additional .js or .css files I need to include?
>>> This is really looking promising!
>>> On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 12:42:34 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> Let say the FK field is field2 :
>>> Field('field2','reference main_table',  # Better syntax thand 
>>> "db.main_table"
>>>          widget=AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption(
>>>                                                 request=request,
>>> field=db.main_table.field1,  # which is you reprensting field
>>>                                                 id_field=
>>> db.main_table.id,
>>>                                                 limitby=(0, 10),  # how 
>>> much records you want in the dropbox
>>>                                                 min_length=6,  # when 
>>> you want the autocomplete pop in or how many caracters user have to entered 
>>> before the autocomplete kickin
>>>                                                 form_title=T('Add new 
>>> title'),
>>>                                                 controller="controler 
>>> name that contains the below function",
>>>                                                 function="your add 
>>> function name",
>>>                                                 button_text=T('Add new'),
>>>                                                 placeholder=T('Start 
>>> typing...'))
>>> Richard
>>> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 12:34 PM, LoveWeb2py <atayl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you, Richard. I think i'm getting closer. Could you show me an 
>>> example of how you apply this to a specific field in SQLFORM?
>>> Going back to my original model:
>>> db.define_table('main_table',
>>>         Field('field1','string'),
>>>         Field('field2','string'),
>>>         migrate=False)
>>> db.define_table('second_table',
>>>         Field('field1','db.main_table'),
>>>         Field('field2','db.main_table')
>>>         migrate=False)
>>> How could I integrate your widget with field 2 for a SQLFORM?
>>> On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 9:40:02 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> The id field and what field you want to show as a representation of the 
>>> id field of the referenced table...
>>> Start by putting the widget class in model file even if it not a good 
>>> thing to see if you can make it works...
>>> In the module I have these imports : 
>>> from gluon.html import *
>>> from gluon.sqlhtml import *
>>> from gluon import current
>>> from gluon.compileapp import LOAD
>>> Which may not be related to the widget class...
>>> Richard
>>> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:28 PM, LoveWeb2py <atayl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> I'm trying to get this setup, but am receiving an error self.url = 
>>> URL(args=request.args)\nNameError: global name \'URL\' is not defined\n'. 
>>> I'm wondering if this is because the gluon hasn't been imported yet.
>>> Also, could you ellaborate more on this?
>>> field=db.table.representing_field,
>>> id_field=db.table.id_field,
>>> id_field should be the foreignkey table if I am not mistaking? 
>>> db.table.representing field, and db.table2.id_field (with foreign key) does 
>>> that sound right?
>>> On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 10:04:35 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> *# In a modules :*
>>> class AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption(object):
>>>     _class = 'string'
>>>     def __init__(self,
>>>                  request,
>>>                  field,
>>>                  id_field=None,
>>>                  db=None,
>>>                  orderby=None,
>>>                  limitby=(0, 10),
>>>                  keyword='_autocomplete_%(fieldname)s',
>>>                  min_length=2,
>>>                  # 
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                  # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>>                  controller=None, function=None, form_title=None,
>>>                  button_text = None, dialog_width=1000,
>>>                  # 
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>                  placeholder=None
>>>                  ):
>>>         self.request = request
>>>         self.keyword = keyword % dict(fieldname=field.name)
>>>         self.db = db or field._db
>>>         self.orderby = orderby
>>>         self.limitby = limitby
>>>         self.min_length = min_length
>>>         self.fields = [field]
>>>         self.placeholder = placeholder
>>>         if id_field:
>>>             self.is_reference = True
>>>             self.fields.append(id_field)
>>>         else:
>>>             self.is_reference = False
>>>         if hasattr(request, 'application'):
>>>             self.url = URL(args=request.args)
>>>             self.callback()
>>>         else:
>>>             self.url = request
>>>         # 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>>         if form_title is None:
>>>             self.form_title = current.T('Add New')
>>>         else:
>>>             self.form_title = current.T(form_title)
>>>         if button_text is None:
>>>             self.button_text = current.T('Add')
>>>         else:
>>>             self.button_text = current.T(button_text)
>>>         self.dialog_width = dialog_width
>>>         self.controller = controller
>>>         self.function = function
>>>         # 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     def callback(self):
>>>         if self.keyword in self.request.vars:
>>>             field = self.fields[0]
>>>             rows = 
>>> self.db(field.like(self.request.vars[self.keyword]+'%')
>>>                            ).select(orderby=self.orderby, 
>>> limitby=self.limitby, *self.fields)
>>>             if rows:
>>>                 if self.is_reference:
>>>                     id_field = self.fields[1]
>>>                     raise HTTP(200, SELECT(_id=self.keyword, 
>>> _class='autocomplete',
>>>                                            _size=len(rows), 
>>> _multiple=(len(rows) == 1),
>>>                                            *[OPTION(s[field.name], 
>>> _value=s[id_field.name],
>>>                                                     _selected=(k == 0))
>>>                                              for k, s in 
>>> enumerate(rows)]).xml())
>>>                 else:
>>>                     raise HTTP(200, SELECT(_id=self.keyword, 
>>> _class='autocomplete',
>>>                                            _size=len(rows), 
>>> _multiple=(len(rows) == 1),
>>>                                            *[OPTION(s[field.name],
>>>                                                     _selected=(k == 0))
>>>                                              for k, s in 
>>> enumerate(rows)]).xml())
>>>             else:
>>>                 raise HTTP(200, '')
>>>     def __call__(self, field, value, **attributes):
>>>         # 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         # From : SelectOrAddOption
>>>         my_select_id = '%s_%s' % (field._tablename, field.name)
>>>         # 'test_ph_eregistry_id' #select_widget.attributes.get('_id', 
>>> None)
>>>         add_args = [my_select_id]
>>>         # create a div that will load the specified controller via ajax
>>>         # form_loader_div = DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller, f=self.function, 
>>> args=add_args, ajax=True),
>>>         #                       _id=my_select_id + "_dialog-form", 
>>> _title=self.form_title)
>>>         form_loader_div = DIV(DIV(BUTTON('x', _type='button', 
>>> _class='close',
>>>                                          **{'_data-dismiss': 'modal',
>>>                                             '_aria-hidden': 'true'}),
>>>                                   H3(self.form_title, 
>>> _id='myModalLabel'), _class='modal-header'),
>>>                               DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller, 
>>> f=self.function, args=add_args, ajax=True, ajax_trap=True),
>>>                                   _class='modal-body'),
>>>                               _id=my_select_id + "_modal-form", 
>>> _class='modal hide fade',
>>>                               **{'_tabindex': '-1', '_role': 'dialog', 
>>> '_aria-labelledby': 'myModalLabel',
>>>                                  '_aria-hidden': 'true'})
>>>         # generate the "add" button that will appear next the options 
>>> widget and open our modal
>>>         activator_button = A(I(_class='icon-plus-sign icon-2x'), 
>>> _id=my_select_id+"_option_add_trigger",
>>>                              _class='add-and-select-button')
>>>         # create javascript for creating and opening the dialog
>>>         # js = '$("#%s_dialog-form").dialog({' \
>>>         #      '    autoOpen: false,' \
>>>         #      '    show: "fade",' \
>>>         #      '    hide: "fade",' \
>>>         #      '    width: %s' \
>>>         #      '    });' % (my_select_id, self.dialog_width)
>>>         js = '$("#%s_modal-form").modal({ backdrop: true, keyboard: 
>>> true, show: false });' % (my_select_id)
>>>         # js += '$("#%s_option_add_trigger").click(function() {' \
>>>         #       '    $("#%s_dialog-form").dialog("open");' \
>>>         #       '    return false;' \
>>>         #       '    }); ' % (my_select_id, my_select_id)
>>>         js += '$("#%s_option_add_trigger").click(function() ' \
>>>               '{ $("#%s_modal-form").modal("show"); return false; }); ' 
>>> % (my_select_id, my_select_id)
>>>         # decorate our activator button for good measure
>>>         js += '$(function() {' \
>>>               '    $("#%s_option_add_trigger").button({' \
>>>               '        text: true,' \
>>>               '        icons: {' \
>>>               '            primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"' \
>>>               '        }' \
>>>               '    });' \
>>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>>         js += '$(function() { ' \
>>>               '    $( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).css("margin-left", 
>>> "+=5"); ' \
>>>               '});' % (my_select_id)
>>>         js += 
>>> '$("#{modal_id}").appendTo("body");'.format(modal_id=my_select_id + 
>>> "_modal-form")
>>>         # jQuery .appendTo() move modal div in body to avoid nested form 
>>> which are not allow in HTML
>>>         js = """$(document).ready(function() {
>>>                  %s
>>>              });""" % js
>>>         jq_script = SCRIPT(js, _type="text/javascript")
>>>         wrapper = DIV(_id=my_select_id+"_adder_wrapper")
>>>         # 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         default = dict(
>>>             _type='text',
>>>             value=(not value is None and str(value)) or '',
>>>             )
>>>         attr = StringWidget._attributes(field, default, 
>>> _placeholder=self.placeholder, **attributes)
>>>         div_id = self.keyword+'_div'
>>>         attr['_autocomplete'] = 'off'
>>>         if self.is_reference:
>>>             key2 = self.keyword+'_aux'
>>>             key3 = self.keyword+'_auto'
>>>             # 
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>             # find the longest record and set input size attribute 
>>> accordingly
>>>             length = self.fields[0].len()
>>>             longest_record_length = len(self.db().select(self.fields[0],
>>>                                                          orderby=~length,
>>>                                                          limitby=(0, 
>>> 1)).first()[self.fields[0].name])
>>>             attr['_size'] = int(longest_record_length * 1.20)  # 20% 
>>> wider field width
>>>             # 
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>             attr['_class'] = 'string'
>>>             name = attr['_name']
>>>             if 'requires' in attr:
>>>                 del attr['requires']
>>>             attr['_name'] = key2
>>>             value = attr['value']
>>>             record = self.db(self.fields[1] == 
>>> value).select(self.fields[0]).first()
>>>             attr['value'] = record and record[self.fields[0].name]
>>>             attr['_onblur'] = "$('#%(div_id)s').delay(1000).fadeOut();" 
>>> % \
>>>                 dict(div_id=div_id, u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             # delay(500) is pretty important for "$('#%s').keyup(); 
>>> $('#%s').blur();"
>>>             # from the add_eregistry function
>>>             attr['_onkeyup'] = \
>>>                 "$('#%(key3)s').val('');" \
>>>                 "var e = event.which?event.which:event.keyCode;" \
>>>                 "function %(u)s() {" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(id)s').val($('#%(key)s :selected').text());" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(key3)s').val($('#%(key)s').val())" \
>>>                 "};" \
>>>                 "if (e == 39) %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "else if (e == 40) {" \
>>>                 "    if ($('#%(key)s option:selected').next().length)" \
>>>                 "        $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected', 
>>> null).next().attr('selected', 'selected'); %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "} else if (e == 38) {" \
>>>                 "    if ($('#%(key)s option:selected').prev().length)" \
>>>                 "        $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected', 
>>> null).prev().attr('selected', 'selected'); %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "} else if ($('#%(id)s').val().length >= 
>>> %(min_length)s)" \
>>>                 "    $.get('%(url)s?%(key)s=' + 
>>> encodeURI($('#%(id)s').val()), function(data) {" \
>>>                 "        if (data == '')" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(key3)s').val('');" \
>>>                 "        else {" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(id)s').next('.error').hide();" \
>>>                 "           
>>>  $('#%(div_id)s').html(data).show().focus();" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(div_id)s select').css('width', 
>>> $('#%(id)s').css('width'));" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(key3)s').val($('#%(key)s').val());" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(key)s').change( %(u)s);" \
>>>                 "            $('#%(key)s').click( %(u)s);" \
>>>                 "        };" \
>>>                 "    });" \
>>>                 "else $('#%(div_id)s').fadeOut();" % dict(url=self.url, 
>>> min_length=self.min_length,
>>> key=self.keyword, id=attr['_id'], key2=key2, key3=key3,
>>>                                                           name=name, 
>>> div_id=div_id, u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             if self.min_length == 0:
>>>                 attr['_onfocus'] = attr['_onkeyup']
>>>             wrapper.components.extend([TAG[''](INPUT(**attr),
>>>                                       INPUT(_type='hidden',
>>>                                       _id=key3,
>>>                                       _value=value,
>>>                                       _name=name,
>>>                                       requires=field.requires),
>>>                                       DIV(_id=div_id,
>>>                                       _style='position:absolute;')),
>>>                                       form_loader_div,
>>>                                       activator_button,
>>>                                       jq_script])
>>>             return wrapper
>>>         else:
>>>             attr['_name'] = field.name
>>>             attr['_onblur'] = "$('#%(div_id)s').delay(1000).fadeOut();" 
>>> % \
>>>                 dict(div_id=div_id, u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             # delay(500) is pretty important for "$('#%s').keyup(); 
>>> $('#%s').blur();"
>>>             # from the add_eregistry function
>>>             attr['_onkeyup'] = \
>>>                 "var e = event.which?event.which:event.keyCode;" \
>>>                 "function %(u)s() {" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(id)s').val($('#%(key)s').val())" \
>>>                 "};" \
>>>                 "if (e == 39) %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "else if (e == 40) {" \
>>>                 "    if ($('#%(key)s option:selected').next().length)" \
>>>                 "        $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected', 
>>> null).next().attr('selected', 'selected'); %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "} else if (e == 38) {" \
>>>                 "    if ($('#%(key)s option:selected').prev().length) 
>>> $('#%(key)s option:selected').attr('selected', 
>>> null).prev().attr('selected', 'selected'); %(u)s();" \
>>>                 "} else if ($('#%(id)s').val().length >= %(min_length)s) 
>>> $.get('%(url)s?%(key)s=' + encodeURI($('#%(id)s').val()), function(data) {" 
>>> \
>>>                 "    $('#%(id)s').next('.error').hide();" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(div_id)s').html(data).show().focus();" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(div_id)s select').css('width', 
>>> $('#%(id)s').css('width'));" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(key)s').change( %(u)s);" \
>>>                 "    $('#%(key)s').click( %(u)s);" \
>>>                 "});" \
>>>                 "else $('#%(div_id)s').fadeOut();" % dict(url=self.url, 
>>> min_length=self.min_length,
>>> key=self.keyword, id=attr['_id'], div_id=div_id,
>>> u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             if self.min_length == 0:
>>>                 attr['_onfocus'] = attr['_onkeyup']
>>>             wrapper.components.extend([TAG[''](INPUT(**attr),
>>>                                                DIV(_id=div_id,
>>>  _style='position:absolute;')),
>>>                                        form_loader_div,
>>>                                        activator_button,
>>>                                        jq_script])
>>>             return wrapper
>>> # In a model (a model file which is already call before you set your 
>>> widget...)
>>> from a_widget import AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption
>>> *# In your controller *
>>> def add_function():
>>>     """
>>>     Modal form for adding element
>>>     """
>>>     buttons = [TAG.button((I('', _class='icon-ok icon-large 
>>> icon-white'), CAT('  '), STRONG(T('Add'))),
>>>                           _type='submit',
>>>                           _class='btn btn-small btn-primary',
>>>                           _id='add_button_id',
>>>                           _name='add_button',
>>>                           )]
>>>     form = SQLFORM(db.table, buttons=buttons, formstyle=formstyle, 
>>> separator=separator)
>>>     response.js = '$(document).ready(function(){ 
>>> $(".input_wrapper").has(".error").addClass("inputError"); ' \
>>>                   '$(".w2p_fw").has(".error").addClass("control-group 
>>> error"); ' \
>>>                   '$(".w2p_fw").each(function(){ 
>>> $(this).find(".error_wrapper").appendTo(this); }); });'
>>>     response.js += '$(document).ready(function(){ 
>>> $("textarea").elastic(); });'
>>>     response.js += '$(document).ready(function () { 
>>> $("[rel=tooltip]").tooltip(); });'
>>>     if form.process(formname='add_form').accepted:
>>>         response.flash = T("Added")
>>>         target = request.args(0)
>>>         # close modal
>>>         response.js = 
>>> '$("#{target}_modal-form").modal("hide");'.format(target=target)
>>>         # update the select options
>>>         response.js += """$("#{target}").append(
>>>                            "<option value='{new_id}'>
>>>                                {new_id}
>>>                            </option>");""".format(target=target, new_id=
>>> form.vars.id)
>>>         # select newly added option
>>>         response.js += """$("#{target}").val("{new_exp_num}");
>>>                           $('#{target}').keyup(); $('#{target}').blur();
>>> ...
>>  -- 
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>> - http://web2py.com
>> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
>> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
>> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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