I'll try this out in the next couple of days. Currently, have side-stepped the callback options from bottlenose, and using web2py cache the way it was designed to be used.
Thanks for your suggestions, Leonel.

Kiran Subbaraman

On Thu, 08-10-2015 1:16 PM, Leonel Câmara wrote:
The thing is web2py caching logic is different from what bottlenose wants as it never really returns None, it also never really stores values directly it calls a function to get a value when it needs one so you need to make some kind of adapter for it, you were almost there.

I haven't tested it but this should work.

returncache.ram(cache_url,lambda:None,time_expire=None)# Time expire can be any value you want here (e.g 3600 so bottlenose writes itagain in an hour)

cache.ram(cache_url,lambda:response_text,time_expire=0)# Time expire needs to be 0 here to make sure it always writes

amazon =bottlenose.Amazon(CacheWriter=writer,

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