> >>> row2=db((db.entry.acc_id==db.acc.id) and (db.entry.txn_id==1)).select
> ().first()

In a DAL query, you must use & rather than and. By using the latter, you 
are getting the standard Python behavior, whereby x and y simply yeilds y. 
So, in this case, your query is equivalent to simply doing db(db.entry.txn_id 
== 1), which does not result in a join and therefore excludes the table 
name when accessing field values in a Row.

Also is there some way to force DAL simply return rows containing just 
> values, maybe in the form of list of lists?

You could use db(query).select().as_list(), which gives you a list of 
dictionaries, but that would be less efficient, as it will first create the 
Rows object and then convert it. An alternative is to forego the creation 
of the Rows object and instead take the list of tuples returned by the 
database driver. Two ways to do this are:

records = db.executesql(db(query)._select())

The ._select() method is the same as .select(), except it returns the raw 
SQL rather than executing the select. You can then pass that SQL to 
.executesql(), which will ultimately return whatever the database driver 
returns. You can achieve the same effect by passing a custom processor 
function to .select(), which it will use to generate whatever output you 
want based on the results from the database driver:

records = db(query).select(processor=lambda records, **kwargs: records)

The first argument .select() will pass to the processor callback is the 
list of records returned by the database driver, so the above lambda simply 
returns that first argument with no further processing.


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