I guess you have already taken a look at the sessions related documentation here: web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/13/deployment-recipes

 * You could use "sessions.forget()", for cases where you do not want a
   sessions file to be issued. Maybe the scenario where the user is not
   logged in.
 * You could also use Redis based session caches.
 * Or store the sessions in the DB, and run a scheduled process (via
   scheduler) to cleanup the sessions database.
 * Suggest you take a look at this discussion thread too:

Kiran Subbaraman

On Sat, 12-03-2016 6:22 PM, Alex wrote:
I've found out that we got around 2 million session files, although I'm regularly running sessions2trash.py to clean up old sessions. We got many users and requests but the number of sessions is still way too much.

When a user (who is not logged in) makes a new request a new session file is created. On the next request the same session file is reused, this seems fine. Which expiration time does this session file get? can I set it somehow? maybe it's all those session files without expiration which are not deleted by sessions2trash.py ...

I've seen in the documentation that it is possible to store sessions in cookies. This seems like a good way to get rid of all those session files and improve performance. Since I don't store much data in the session the small cookie size limit is not a problem for me. I'd like to know how this internally works, is it secure? How does web2py know from this session in the cookie if the user is logged in? Isn't it possible to pretend being someone else and login into another account if there is no login information stored on the server?


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