Hi Vid,

Two remarks at first sight.

In save_outs you initialize the variable now. But you queue the task using
start_now. But the task is inserted, maybe just copy paste error in your

Is the function readOutFile working? Can you show It? It seems it gets
stuck when called the second time. I would suggest to step through the code
using the debugger, or use print statement to pinpoint the timeout.


Op za 19 nov. 2016 om 05:41 schreef Vid Ogris <vid.og...@gmail.com>

> SO the problem continues.
> The task was running  and was completed for some dummy code.
> Now i have to go trough a folder, read a file and update file content to
> database.
> The task always times out and there are two files that need to be updated,
> non of them are. The code is executed, but there is no db update. Also it
> seems for loop is not completed. For only one file db._lastsql is printed
> in db. The statement in scheduler table is ok and if i run it it inserts
> data into db. Any suggestions?
> My code
> in scheduler.py
> def saveIdOut():
>     try:
>         #demo koda
>         #poberem statuse
>         db_status = db(db.scripts.sc_status == 
> 11).select(db.scripts.id).as_list()
>         #ggrem v mapo in pogledam katere skripte ki imajo status 11 se 
> dejansko izvajajo
>         for rec in db_status:
>             scriptId = rec["id"]
>             outPath  = os.path.join(request.folder, 'engine', 'e1', 
> str(scriptId) + '.out')
>             #preverim če obstaja datoteka
>             if os.path.isfile(outPath):
>                 #če obstaja jo shranim v sc_engine_output
>                 #sparsamo out datoteko da jo lahko damo v tabelo result
>                 out = readOutFile(str(scriptId))
>                 #Vnesemo podatke v tabelo script
>                 db(db.scripts.id == scriptId).update(sc_engine_output = out)
>                 print db._lastsql
>                 print "out datoteka za scripto %s, arhivirana" % 
> (str(scriptId))
>         db.commit()
>         return dict(status = 1)
>     except Exception, e:
>         exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
>         fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
>         print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
>         print e.__doc__
>         print e.message
>         return dict(status = 666)
> in my controler
> def save_outs():
>     """
>     for running scheduler
>     python web2py.py --nogui --no-banner -K woshiweb -D 0
>     1 hour = 3600 seconds # for period
>     10 minutes = 600 seconds # for timeout
>     """
>     import datetime
>     now = datetime.datetime.now()
>     start_now = datetime.datetime.now()
>     stop_time_now = (start_now + datetime.timedelta(days = 1))
>     scheduler.queue_task(saveIdOut, start_time = start_now,
>                    next_run_time = start_now, stop_time = stop_time_now,
>                    repeats = 0, retry_failed = 2, period = 30, timeout = 15)
>     print "Funkcija za arhiviranje outov AKTIVIRANA...."
>     print "Glej scheduler tabele v postgresu"
>     session.flash = T("Task save_outs Queued")
>     redirect(URL('index.html'))
> 2016-11-16 2:32 GMT+08:00 Dave S <snidely....@gmail.com>:
> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:14:21 AM UTC-8, Yebach wrote:
> Thank you guys. I finally made it. I did not quite understand the whole
> scheduler process but i am now getting there.
> Thank you again
> Congratulations!  It sometimes takes a while to get the right mental
> images, doesn't it?
> /dps
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> Lep pozdrav
> Vid Ogris
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