DaveS, thanks for advising and taking the time to look at this.

After further diags, I think I have figured out what was causing this. 
Because I wanted to remove the little share icon at the bottom right, In my 
layout.html, I had disabled js/share.js by inserting a comment hash:
script src="{{#=URL(....
Which I thought was an OK way to do that.

But - disabling the share.js breaks the sorting.
When enabled - I can sort the data by click the id column (i.e. ascending, 
then descending etc...) in appadmin
When disabled - I cannot sort the data in this way. It is particularly 
noticeable when you have many pages of records.

So - it seems share.js is required for appadmin to sort the data.
I thought share.js was only for social sharing - which I don't need in my 
app. I guess I could just have a different layout file just for appadmin, 
but is begs the questions though:
1) Do we know why share.js is necessary for appadmin data sorting?  
2) Can I disabled social sharing in another way (i.e. retaining share.js)?

If not, maybe one of the project team can advise.

On Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 7:35:26 PM UTC, SimonD wrote:
> Hello, I recently upgraded from 2.9.5 to 2.14.6
> I also moved from SQLite to mysql along the way as well as bootstrap 2 to 3
> In 2.9.5 - in appadmin, I could sort an entire table either ascending or 
> descending by clicking on the column header.
> I have a few big tables and its useful for testing etc (i.e. I can easily 
> see the last record by sorting-descending)
> In the install of 2.14.6, the ability to "sort descending" does not 
> work.It will only sort ascending, so e.g. finding the last record in a 
> table means knowing the record ID or lots of clicking "next 100 rows"
> When I upgraded I copied appdmin.py and its view from the welcome app
> Does 2.14.6 appadmin no longer sort like 2.9.5 or have I messed up the 
> upgrade?
> Thanks!

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