Hello Richards,
Thanks for reading my question.

I'll try to clarify what I do and what I need.

I have a table with a text field. Using a SQLFORM.smartgrid, I use the 
ckeditor widget to populate this field, in order to get the data presented 
in a nice format (including for titles, email adresses, and so on).
This works fine.

Now, I want to generate an email with the content of this text field 
preserving the format created by the ckeditor widget.
I can make and send a mail (including with attachments), *BUT:*

When I open my mail, for instance with Firefox Web Browser, *I see the tags 
*used to format the text such as <p> </p>.* My text is not formated* as 
expected, and I see a series of special characters around email addresses 
or any url.

I found a way to suppress the tags and special chararcters using 
BeautifullSoup.BeautifullSoup, but then the result (what I read in Firefox 
Web Browser) looks like a long word (everything is concatenated, the url 
links are lost,. Therefore I say this is not acceptable).

I couldn't find a solution to get retrieve my formated text in Firefox Web 
Browser using the gluon Mail function. This is what I need.

As I am far from being an IT expert, I guess I missed or misunderstood 


Le mardi 20 juin 2017 21:53:14 UTC+2, Richard a écrit :
> Hello Serge,
> It not clear what you are doing exactly, do you mean you parse text with 
> BeautifulSoup before input it into the database field? And what is 
> unacceptable?
> About 1, I think previous question would help understand better the issue.
> About 2, I don't see why it wouldn't work... But as I am not sure what you 
> try to accomplish, I mean if you strip off tag with beatiful in the first 
> place why add some tag back when you send the message...
> I am sure we would benefit to see a bit of your code to bettter help you.
> Note that HTML in email is a difficult topic as render engine are much 
> less homogeneous in email client like outlook, thunderbird than what you 
> may have from a normal browser. So having the right presentation everywhere 
> is more difficult to achieve than a regular web page.
> Good Luck
> Richard
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Serge Bourgeois <serge.bo...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I like web2py for the good balance between simplicity and completeness. 
>> Most of the time, when I have a question, I can find a response googeling. 
>> Today not...
>> I could cope with attachments, but I'm still struggling with rich text 
>> fields for the email body. Using BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(my_field).text 
>> removes the tags, but the result is not accceptable.
>> So, if there is a helper, I could not find it (or not use it properly).
>> 1. With Mail().send, how to fill the 'message' parameter from a text 
>> field (let's say my_field) filled in via the ckeditor widget (which allows 
>> also to incluse a mail address or a URL). 
>> 2. After getting a response to this first question, if I want to append 
>> let's say 2 text fields, I 'm gonna try SPAN(my_first_text_field, BR(), 
>> my_second_text_field). Will this work?
>> Thanks in advance for any advice.
>> -- 
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>> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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