Hi all

I'm having some problems  trying to achieve the following  

I have a grid with left joins which selects a subset of entries in my 
database -(query between 3 tables) 

Once i get the desired result, i want to be able to set up links within the 
table that then send the id from each row (MAIN table) to a seperate 
function (another query between many tables). 
I then want to trigger a download 'csv' file. 

So far, I have managed to get this working if I use one table in the grid 
 (no left joins), however when i set up left joins within the grid,i get an 
'AttributeError' message. Somehow, by setting up the left joins, i loose 
the main id that i  want to send to the seperate function. 

Here's the code:


def vec_dyn_query():
    links = [lambda ids: A('Download data 
    grid = SQLFORM.grid((db.MAIN), 
                        left = [db.StudyLocation.on(db.MAIN.LocationID == 
db.StudyLocation.id), db.TAXON.on(db.MAIN.TaxonID == db.TAXON.id)],
                        deletable=False, editable=False, details=False, 
selectable=False, create=False, csv=False)
    return locals()

def download_dataset():
    main_id = request.args(0,cast=int)
    dataset = db(db.MAIN.id == request.args[0]).select()
    return dict(dataset=dataset)


import cStringIO
stream = cStringIO.StringIO()
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/csv'
response.write(stream.getvalue(), escape=False)

Note - if i take away the 'left = [db.StudyLocation.on(db.MAIN.LocationID 
== db.StudyLocation.id), db.TAXON.on(db.MAIN.TaxonID == db.TAXON.id)],' 
Everything works fine

Thanks for your help in advance


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