About 2 months ago, did anything change in the usage of your application - more clients connecting to it, are the payloads in these connections growing in size, etc? In that case, moving to a more performant web server would help. Nginx is recommended here. Is moving to nginx, instead of the rocket server, an option that you can consider?

As an aside: this open issue in the rocket repo makes for interesting reading: https://github.com/explorigin/Rocket/issues/1

If you intend to continue with the current setup, then you may want to try some of these:

 * Do you see any further details in the /web2py/httpserver.log
 * Edit the /web2py/logging.conf , and set the logging level to DEBUG
   for web2py & rocket, and see if there are more details in the
   resulting log file.
 * Are you able to recreate the problem using some test code on your
   side ... if so please share that on the forum here. I think you
   would need the test code to try multiple things - concurrent
   requests to the server, or  POST increasingly bigger payloads, etc.


Kiran Subbaraman

On 02-Aug-17 12:33 AM, Fabiano Faver wrote:
environment: Debian 7.11; python 2.7.3; web2py 2.14.5 running on rocket

An application that have many clients periodically sending data, some are http posts some others json.

About 2 month ago it started to eventually throwing this error on console:

2017-08-01 15:50:37,966 - Rocket.Errors.Thread-8 - ERROR - Tried to send "400 Bad Request" to client but received socket error

But it got much more frequent and now it is like every 5 minutes and sometimes it crashes rocket server, then I need to restart it.

I have no idea what's causing this or where I can get a better traceback.

Someone have a idea what is this problem or hint i can follow?
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- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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