On Friday, September 1, 2017 at 10:03:48 AM UTC-7, Ben Lawrence wrote:
> Also, if i am inserting within a for loop, should I place the db.commit() 
> within the for loop too?
> On Friday, September 1, 2017 at 9:59:11 AM UTC-7, Ben Lawrence wrote:
>> Good point, but I put the commits after the function returns as there are 
>> a number of inserts in a variety of tables. So is it preferred to do a 
>> commit after every insert instead of grouping them together for one big 
>> commit?
>> TIA Ben

Part of the answer has to do with rolling back if there is an error.  If 
you need ALL changes undone if any one change fails, then the commit comes 
last.  If you need the first changes to survive even if the later changes 
fail, then sprinkle commits in between.  Usually, the first choice is what 
people make.


>> On Friday, September 1, 2017 at 12:35:01 AM UTC-7, Val K wrote:
>>> from the book:
>>> Remember to call db.commit() at the end of every task if it involves 
>>> inserts/updates to the database. web2py commits by default at the end of a 
>>> successful action but the scheduler tasks are not actions.
>>> On Friday, September 1, 2017 at 8:30:00 AM UTC+3, Ben Lawrence wrote:
>>>> Thanks guys for your time. No I do not know what a _before_insert hook 
>>>> is, so I doubt that there is one here.
>>>> here is
>>>> ################################################################################
>>>> def insert_company(valid_name, valid_email):
>>>>     """ Inserts a company record if there is a new domain_tag
>>>>     """
>>>>     c_id = 0 # is the reference to the company record
>>>>     # what is the company domain ?
>>>>     email_tup = valid_email.split(u'@')
>>>>     if len(email_tup) > 1:  # it is an email address
>>>>         c_domain = email_tup[1]
>>>>     elif len(email_tup) == 1:
>>>>         c_domain = valid_email
>>>>     else: # give up
>>>>         c_domain = valid_name.upper()
>>>>     # use this to find the company, 
>>>>     c_rows = db(db.company.domain_tag == c_domain).select()
>>>>     if len(c_rows)==0:  # add the company
>>>>         c_id = db.company.update_or_insert(
>>>>             name = get_company_name(c_domain),
>>>>             e_mail = valid_email,
>>>>             domain_tag = c_domain )
>>>>     else:  # length MUST be one
>>>>         c_id = c_rows.last().id
>>>>     return c_id
>>>> ################################################################################
>>>> You know what,
>>>> I am running all this on ubuntu 16 in an LXD container with software 
>>>> raid on the metal. I am really starting to wonder if DAL and postgres and 
>>>> lxd and software raid are somehow getting ahead of themselves in timing? 
>>>> Perhaps there is no feedback or not enough feedback of "operation 
>>>> completed"  somewhere?
>>>> On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 1:59:04 AM UTC-7, Val K wrote:
>>>>> As I see, it's a scheduler task -  show all code of insert_company
>>>>> Is there any _before_insert hook?
>>>>> On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 1:22:57 AM UTC+3, Ben Lawrence wrote:
>>>>>> 2.15.3-stable+timestamp.2017.
>>>>>> (Running on nginx/1.10.3, Python 2.7.12)
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I hesitate to ask this because it will betray my stupidity
>>>>>> I have this:
>>>>>>     *c_rows = db(db.company.domain_tag == c_domain).select()*
>>>>>>     if *len(c_rows)==0*:  # add the company
>>>>>>         c_id = db.company.insert(
>>>>>>             name = get_company_name(c_domain),
>>>>>>             e_mail = valid_email,
>>>>>>             *domain_tag = c_domain )*
>>>>>>     else:  # length MUST be one
>>>>>>         c_id = c_rows.last().id
>>>>>> and this the error:
>>>>>> File "applications/remail/models/scheduler.py", line 120, in 
>>>>>> insert_company
>>>>>>     domain_tag = c_domain )
>>>>>>   File "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/objects.py", 
>>>>>> line 734, in insert
>>>>>>     ret = self._db._adapter.insert(self, row.op_values())
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/adapters/base.py", line 
>>>>>> 486, in insert
>>>>>>     raise e
>>>>>> IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint 
>>>>>> "company_domain_tag_key"
>>>>>> DETAIL:  Key (domain_tag)=(platronics.com) already exists.
>>>>>> Wha?! if domain_tag is already there would len(c_rows) > 0  and so 
>>>>>> would not try to insert the record?

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