This is fantastic. Thank you Carlos,
please email me personally about you work. I think this is the path to the 
future of web2py.

On Tuesday, 14 November 2017 10:48:03 UTC-6, Carlos A. Armenta Castro wrote:
> I have using Web2Py for too many years for commercial websites and for 
> Intranets in México, I want to say that Web2Py is an AMAZING Framework!!! 
> For my new project I need to use an SPA VueJs + Webpack for the FrontEnd  
> ( ) and a Web2Py as my BackEnd API Server. 
> I'm curious about to integrate his two web frameworks using web2py routes 
> to serve this two apps in the same port but different URL.
> Example:
> ---> My Web2py API Controller
>       ---> My VueJS APP with webpack  ( 
> ) <-- Pointing to index.html in *dist/ * and 
> permit to use all the static files deposited in the same path *dist/**
> *VueJS + Webpack APP Structure*
> ├── *dist/ *                     *# Compiled APP (Serve this files as the 
> static SPA)*
> │   *└── index.html 
> │   ├── fonts/             
> │   │   └── ...
> │   ├── static/             
> │   │   └── ...
> │   ├── js/             
> │   │   └── ...*
> ├── config/
> │   ├── index.js                # main project config
> │   └── ...
> ├── src/
> │   ├── main.js                 # app entry file
> │   ├── App.vue                 # main app component
> │   ├── components/             # ui components
> │   │   └── ...
> │   └── assets/                 # module assets (processed by webpack)
> │       └── ...
> ├── static/                     # pure static assets (directly copied)
> ├── test/
> ...
> Actually I am doing this work in my NginX Server but I Will be happy if I can 
> do the same thing easily using pure web2py!!!! 
> Why using the same port?  Because the CORS issues, this is the best and easy 
> way to deal with CORS. I know I can use sub-domains in the same port, I know 
> I can use ALLOW ORIGIN headers in W2P side but that are not options for me in 
> this case.
> NginX config working:
> location / {
>                 index index.html index.htm;
>                 root /home/www-data/vue/applications/simott;
>                 try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
>         }
>         location /api {
>             uwsgi_pass      unix:///tmp/web2py.socket;
>             include         uwsgi_params;
>             uwsgi_param     UWSGI_SCHEME $scheme;
>             uwsgi_param     SERVER_SOFTWARE nginx/$nginx_version;
>        }
> Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

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