I'm still wondering if anyone can help with this. I found a minor error in 
the second member of the routes_in tuple (the period shouldn't be escaped). 
But it's still not working for me. I used re.sub to confirm that the second 
member *should be* outputting the right string. So far I'm just testing 
this on the bundled rocket server, so I don't think there's any issue with 
server settings.

Any help would be much appreciated.

On Friday, November 17, 2017 at 10:12:58 AM UTC-5, Ian W. Scott wrote:
> Hi there. I'm dynamically adding version numbers to the filenames for 
> static assets like css, js, and image files. (These version numbers aren't 
> actually in the filenames. They're just added to the url in the <link> and 
> <script> tags that reference them.) So I need to use url rewriting to 
> remove those version numbers. In other words, if the browser looks for 
> /static/css/theme.1510773357.css 
> it should be served 
> /static/css/theme.css
> I've written a routes.py file that I thought would do the trick, but it's 
> not working. The browser is still giving a 404 error for the file. 
> routes_in = ((r
> '.*/static/(?P<subdir>(css|images|audio|js))/(?P<basename>.*)\.[\d]{10}\.(?P<extension>(css|js|ico|png|svg|jpe?g))'
> ,
>               r'/static/\g<subdir>/\g<basename>\.\g<extension>'),
>              )
> routes_out = [(x, y) for (y, x) in routes_in]
> Any idea what's wrong? I've confirmed that the first regex in the pair 
> does match the filename, and that the correct matching groups are found 
> ({'subdir': 'css', 'basename': 'theme', 'extension': 'css'}). Is there 
> something wrong with the second string that creates the new path?
> In case anyone is wondering, I'm doing this even though I know about 
> web2py's built-in versioning system. The app is under constant incremental 
> development and I don't want to have to manually change version numbers 
> every time I push out an update. This approach automatically forces users 
> to download the updated file based on its last-modified datetime.
> Thanks,
> Ian

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