I've done this with a table with a year as its id:

    Field('year', 'id'),
    Field('next', 'integer'),

def get_next_id(year): 
    record = idb.next_id(year)
    if not record:
        # Auto add new years
        idb.next_id.insert(year=year, next=1)
        record = idb.next_id(year)
    # Return the id while incrementing the seed for the next call
    id = record.next
    record.update_record(next=id + 1)
    return id

Probably not bullet-proof against collisions if traffic is extremely high, 
but it works for the 10000s of uses per year I use.

On Saturday, 6 January 2018 17:16:31 UTC, Andrea Santini wrote:
>  need to create an auto increamet Field that reset to 1 every Year.
> db.define_table('protocol',Field('n_protocol'),Field('year_protocol',type='datetime',
>  writable = False, readable = False, default=request.now, 
> requires=(IS_DATETIME(timezone=pytz.timezone("Europe/Gibraltar"),format=('%Y'))))
> The field 'n_protocol' must start to 1 auto increment and return to 1 next 
> year.
> Why the date is correct when i insert data but is not correct when i see 
> the data stored in db the date is wrong?
> I also tried this:
> ultimo_protocollo= db(db.protocollo.data_protocollo).select().last()
> ieri = ultimo_protocollo.year
> data = datetime.datetime
> oggi = data.year
> db.protocollo.n_protocollo = Field.Virtual('n_protocollo', lambda 
> n_protocollo: (n_protocollo ++ 1) if (ieri == oggi)  else 
> (db.protocollo.n_protocollo =="1"))
> but i recive error.
> Can you please help me?
> Thank you guys

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