Hi Anthony!

Of course my exaple is very simplified and - sorry - I did not test it.
Now I have found the solution

I have written:

    query1 = db.sendeprotokoll.typ=="UMF"
    query1 &= *db*("extra->>'umfragetextid'='4'")
    r1 = db(query1)._select("sendeprotokoll.typ", "sendeprotokoll.extra")

But it should be:

    query2 = db.sendeprotokoll.typ=="UMF"
    query2 &= "extra->>'umfragetextid'='4'"
    r2 = db(query2)._select("sendeprotokoll.typ", "sendeprotokoll.extra")

query1 :
<Query (("sendeprotokoll"."typ" = 'UMF') AND <Set
query2 :
<Query (("sendeprotokoll"."typ" = 'UMF') AND extra->>'umfragetextid'='4')>
r1 :
SELECT "sendeprotokoll"."typ", "sendeprotokoll"."extra" FROM
"sendeprotokoll" WHERE ((("sendeprotokoll"."typ" = 'UMF') AND <Set
r2 :
SELECT "sendeprotokoll"."typ", "sendeprotokoll"."extra" FROM
"sendeprotokoll" WHERE ((("sendeprotokoll"."typ" = 'UMF') AND

Ok, problem solved, thank you!


But there is another question.
I want to use the json-query alone:

query3 = "extra->>'umfragetextid'='4'"
r3 = db(query3)._select("sendeprotokoll.typ", "sendeprotokoll.extra")

r3:         SELECT "sendeprotokoll"."typ", "sendeprotokoll"."extra" FROM
"sendeprotokoll" WHERE extra->>'umfragetextid'='4';

Looks good?

But with
r3 = db(query3).select("sendeprotokoll.typ", "sendeprotokoll.extra")
I get a new error message and it comes from  *dal/pydal/adapters/base.py*

Ticket ID
<class 'psycopg2.DataError'> cannot extract element from a scalarVersion
web2py™ Version 2.15.4-stable+timestamp.2017.
Python Python 2.7.12: /usr/local/bin/uwsgi (prefix: /usr/local)

Function argument list

(self=<pydal.adapters.postgres.PostgrePsyco object>, *args=('SELECT
"sendeprotokoll"."typ", "sendeprotokoll"....endeprotokoll" WHERE
extra->>\'umfragetextid\'=\'4\';',), **kwargs={})
Code listing



    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        command = self.filter_sql_command(args[0])
        handlers = self._build_handlers_for_execution()
        for handler in handlers:
        rv = self.cursor.execute(command, *args[1:], **kwargs)

        for handler in handlers:
        return rv

rv undefined
self <pydal.adapters.postgres.PostgrePsyco object>
args ('SELECT "sendeprotokoll"."typ", "sendeprotokoll"....endeprotokoll"
WHERE extra->>\'umfragetextid\'=\'4\';',)
self.cursor <cursor object at 0x7f25d425d050; closed: 0>
command 'SELECT "sendeprotokoll"."typ", "sendeprotokoll"....endeprotokoll"
WHERE extra->>\'umfragetextid\'=\'4\';'
self.cursor.execute <built-in method execute of psycopg2._psycopg.cursor
kwargs {}

What is wrong?

2018-05-31 23:14 GMT+02:00 Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com>:

> "<set..." is the string representation of a DAL Set object.
> Can you show your exact code? Here's what I get:
> >>> db('j->>"x" = 1')._select(db.j.id)
> 'SELECT "j"."id" FROM "j" WHERE j->>"x" = 1;'
> Anthony
> On Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 5:01:08 PM UTC-4, mweissen wrote:
>> Let's say I have a table like
>> db.define_table("mytable", Field("j", "json"))
>> with some data like db.mytable.insert(j={"x":1})
>> Now I want to find all records with x==1.
>> Of course
>> db(db.mytable.j["x"]==1)
>> does not work (but it would be fine).
>> I have tried some queries like
>> db.mytable.j.like("%1%")
>> db('(j-->x)=1')
>> but nothing did work. web2py creates always a sql-statement with
>> .... WHERE <Set(j-->X)=1>...
>> Postgresql does not understand <set - there is an error message
>> syntax error at or near "<" Where does this "<set..>" come from?
>> Any ideas?
>> Regards, Martin
>> --
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