> Controller:
>> def delete():
>>     """
>>     Deletes an external medic record in the database
>>     :return:
>>     """
>>     from dao import DAOExternalMedic
>>     DAOExternalMedic().delete(request.args[0])
>>     session.flash = "Record deleted"
>>     # response.js = "jQuery('#%s').reload()" % DivEnums.MAINGRID
>>     url = URL('external_medics', 'w_manage.load')
>>     response.js = "web2py_component('%s','%s');" % (url, DivEnums.MAINGRID)
>>     redirect(URL('index'))
>>     return
I think the problem is that you are doing a redirect before the function 
returns, so the JS code never makes it to the browser. Presumably the 
delete() function is called via Ajax, so why does it redirect to 'index' 


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