On Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 10:31:13 AM UTC-8, Boris Aramis Aguilar 
Rodríguez wrote:
> TL;DR : Do you guys know or has experience with an alternative scheduler 
> to web2py's one that you would recommend? we use features such as 
> scheduling tasks at a specific time, repetitions, timeouts, and check the 
> task current state. Any further comments, advice and experience is really 
> appreciated.
> [...]
> Do anyone of you guys know or has experience with an alternative 
> scheduler? I've seen several options (rabbit-mq, python-rq, mrq, so on); 
> but I'm not sure about the limitations of those schedulers... any further 
> comments are really appreciated.

Nope, and my scheduler runs all of 8 tasks a day (creeping up to 16), so 
I've hardly pushed the limit.

But I would look at just running web2py instances on those other servers, 
and having the "master" do nothing more than send https requests to each of 
them, and each local scheduler then deals with its own workers only.  Not 
quite like sharding on Elastisearch, but definitely division of labor.

If Niphlod was still monitoring the group, that would get you the best 
comments on the in-box scheduler.  He's the expert -- wrote the current 
scheduler and the test suite, runs databases on diverse systems (including 
MSSQL behind IIS, IIRC). He also did the JWT implementation.


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