i have this table as follows:
db.define_table( 'Pass', Field('FlightID',  'reference Flight',  
label=T('Flight'),   requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
                             Field('AnalystID', 'reference Analyst', 
label=T('Analyst'),  requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
                             Field('TypeID',    'reference Type',    
label=T('Type'),     requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
 label=T('Pass Name'),requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
 label=T('Posted To Customer'), type='boolean'),
 label=T('Pass Note'),          type='text'),
 label=T('Analysis Note'),      type='text'),
 Field('Mode',                           label=T('Mode'),   writable=False,  
          type='text'))      // field mode is set to writable = false to 
prevent user inputting the data in this field because it will call another 
script to get the the data for mode attribute

i will have the form to ask the user to input info into these fields except 
mode field because i will call another script to get the data of the mode 
from the other table and input the mode data along with the input data from 
user. my question is where should i call the script to get the mode data? ( 
is it the in the form.process().accepted block. ?). how can i insert the 
mode data at the same time when the user click submit to insert the inputs 
into the table ?

Please help, Thanks

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