Hi everyone,
I'm experiencing some problems trying to display static images in my static
html files. Actually I get a 404 error, when I "inspect" what's going wrong.

Some of the HTML files in my project are fully static (stored along with
403.html, 404.html, 500.html & 503.html) and display images stored in
static/images folder. So I tried to link them the traditional way. (I
assumed the URL builder cannot be used as the HTMLs are not processed by
web2py before being served.)

But it is not working. How should I link those images?

I've tried different approaches but neither of them seems to work.

a) relative path <img src="./images/forks_es3.png" /> (relative inside the
b) relative path

<img src="myapp/static/images/forks_es2.png" /> (relative inside the web2py

c) absolute path <img src="
https://www.myweb.com.eus/myapp/static/images/forks_es.png"; />

BTW, it may be important to note that I'm using the "routes.py" using the
"parameter-based system" using:

BASE  = dict(default_application='myapp')

Thanks, Jon.

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