Thanks Dave,
below is a version of the code as is, inches a variant of what you 
suggested I think...

def del_op_audios():
        # Before we delete the db references, find the uploaded file 
        upload_path_name = db.audios.the_file.uploadfolder

        #try to get the name of the uploaded file (not original file)
        #  - what does this need to be???
        #   print db.audios.the_file and you get a sensible filename, e.g. 
        #   but I don't seem to be able to get that name as a string to 
pass to os.path.join????
        upload_file_name = db.audios.the_file.??????? or ??????

        print(f'upload_file = "{upload_file_name}"')
        print(f'upload_path = "{upload_path_name}"')

        # since we've got record_versioning turned on, we can't truly 
delete the record
        #   with a "del db.audios[request.vars.record_id]"
        # so go directly to db and delete the record
        #   - Relying on the SQL CASCADE being enabled
        db.executesql(f'DELETE FROM audios WHERE 

        # Commit the changes

        # Now that the record is gone, delete the associated uploaded file
        # something like this ...
        os.remove(os.path.join(request.folder, upload_path_name, 

        session.op_result = 'Success - DELETE successful'
    except Exception as why:
        session.op_result = f'Failed - {why}'

    redirect(URL('default', 'list_all_rows'))

What am I missing?

On Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 11:30:59 AM UTC-7, jim kaubisch wrote:
> In several forms I have fields like to one below
> Field('the_file'    , 'upload' , label=T('Audio File *'), 
>                                          default = False,
>  uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder,'uploads/resources/audio')
>                                          ),
> When I delete the db record containing the result of processing the field 
> above, I also want to delete the actual uploaded file.
> If I "print"  db.audios.the_file I get a sensible file name, e.g. 
> "audios.the_file.87f39e4b2eac56a2.7331343035323830332e706466.mp3"
> but -  if I pass db.audios.the_file to os.path.join, I get an exception - 
> = join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'Field'"
> and  - if I pass str(db.audios.the_file) to os.path.join I end up with 
> something ending in 'uploads/resources/audio/the_file'
> Simple question. How do I get the name of the uploaded file in a form I 
> can use in os.path.join
> Thanks

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