I was not aware of it. Could you post some screen shots? maybe an example 
of a generated app?
Unless you use grids it should be easy to port it to py4web.

On Sunday, 13 October 2019 17:23:37 UTC-7, graham wrote:
> I used web2py some years ago and produced a program generator (
> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/2060/generator-for-web2py) which 
> met with universal disinterest... 
> However someone has asked whether it could work with py4web and so I have 
> had a quick look at it. There are minor Python 3 issues which are easily 
> fixed but when I start to look at the web2py interface I immediately come 
> across a problem: the code makes us of the 'current' structure, in 
> particular it uses current.request to obtain the POST data and there 
> appears to be no such structure  in py4web. 
> I have checked the py4web documentation and it does say in the PyDAL 
> chapter, under ;'Model-less applications' "...and provide necessary access 
> to global scope via the current object (as described in Chapter 4)." but 
> Chapter 4 does not contain any details. Perhaps this contains a lot of text 
> from the web2py docs and will have corrections and more py4web content 
> included later. 
> Obviously this is not of any real relevance to py4web itself but I just 
> wondered whether it is intended that 'current' or an equivalent is or will 
> be available in py4web or is there any simple (because I don't want to take 
> up too much of your time) work around. 
> Thanks 
> graham 

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