El domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2019, 18:17:11 (UTC-3), Massimo Di Pierro 
> My plan is to spend the Christmas vacation making sure it works with 
> Python 3.8, adding an internationalization UI, and fixing a few bugs with 
> error reporting. So by Dec 31.
> Complete the core documentation by Jan 4 and maybe post some sample 
> projects.
> I cannot test all the Auth scenarios. I will fix them when problems are 
> reported.
> I have no plans to add features, only fix bugs and not many have been 
> reported. It works well enough for me.
Is there a possibility to create, as a sort of "migration guide" or 
"recommendation", a comparison or checklist to migrate from the web2py 
scheduler to other ways to handle scheduled tasks, like Celery or Dramatiq? 
Some of us have never used a task queue framework and some guidance would 
be useful, specially given how easy it was to use the web2py scheduler.

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