On Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 2:04:02 PM UTC-7, Seth J wrote:
> I am not sure how to view the query sent to MSSQL.  

Does this help/?


> Here's a little more from the error record:
>    - 
>    *File C:\inetpub\wwwroot\gluon\packages\dal\pydal\adapters\base.py in 
>    insert at line 539* code arguments variables
>    Function argument list
>    (self=<pydal.adapters.mssql.MSSQL4 object>, table=<Table 
>    web2py_session_PubView (id, locked, clien...me, modified_datetime, 
>    unique_key, session_data)>, fields=[(<pydal.objects.Field object>, 
>    ''), (<pydal.objects.Field object>, 0), 
> (<pydal.objects.Field 
>    object>, '2020-06-03T00:26:05.296000'), (<pydal.objects.Field object>, 
>    'affc9c47-0085-45dc-8352-12549c7f93dc'), (<pydal.objects.Field object>, 
>    datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 3, 0, 26, 5, 296000)), (<pydal.objects.Field 
>    object>, 
> '\x80\x02cgluon.globals\nSession\nq\x01}q\x02U\x05flashq\x03U\x00s\x85Rq\x04.')])
You've got a date conversion error.  Do you need to specify a format 
string?  Is the ISO 'T' causing problems with a format that expects a 
space?  How have you defined the field?


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