On Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 6:26:32 AM UTC-7, Константин Комков wrote:
> I thought that there is problem f'{f} {i} {number} {email}' here, but on 
> my computer I can send document without problem.
> I and another user (with the same data and loading file) having different 
> result (:
> Why in error I see databases\\..\\uploads?
> What means two points?

("dot dot") -- that's the usual syntax (in Windows, Unix, and Linux) for 
"parent directory". 

The code has a variable that tells it where the databases directory is 
located for this application, and it constructs a path to the uploads 
directory by saying "go up one level from here and look for uploads".

That folder have next structure:
> - test
>     - databases
>     - uploads
The file name that is Not Found follows the typical format for an uploaded 

When I decode the originalfilename part, it looks like:
and that's the same format!  You seem to have uploaded a file that was 
copied from the uploads folder (rather than downloaded); that's easiest to 
do when the client (browser) and server are on the same machine.
[If you're wondering what the original original name was, it looks to be

Do either filename exist in the uploads directory?   It would seem the one 
in the error message doesn't, because the file open couldn't find it.


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