Hi all, I'm trying to learn how to use web2py, it's my first time using a 
framework to develop web apps,
I have to say it's being very hard to learn because all the documentation 
is very outdated. Now I'm trying to set up web2py to work with postrgerSQL 
and nginx on a fresh Debian 10 install.
Not sure how to do it properly since all the examples are for old linux 
distros that don't use systemd, I tried using the script that I found here:

because it's the most recent I could find

But I modified it to use Python3 as follows:

#!/bin/bashLOG_FILE=/tmp/setup-web2py.loglogged () {    echo $(date +"%F_%T") 
$*  | tee -a $LOG_FILE}echo 'Setup-web2py-nginx-uwsgi-debian8.sh'echo 'Requires 
Debian 8 (Jessie) and installs Nginx + uWSGI + Web2py'# Check if user has root 
privilegesif [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then    logged "Aborting..."    logged "You 
must run the script as root or using sudo"    exit 1filogged "Starting SETUP on 
$(date)"# Get Web2py Application Nameecho -e "Web2py Application Name: \c "read 
 APPNAMEecho# Get Domain Nameecho -e "Enter app's domains names (Ex: 
www.example.com, example.com): \c "read  DOMAINSecho# Get Web2py Admin 
Passwordecho -e "Web2py Admin Password: \c "read  PWlogged "[+]Updating system 
and installing needed software"# Upgrade and install needed softwareapt-get 
updateapt-get -y upgradeapt-get -y autoremoveapt-get -y autocleanecho 
"Installing nginx"apt-get -y install nginxecho "Installing uwsgi"apt-get -y 
install uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3apt-get -y install build-essential sudo 
python3-dev libxml2-dev unzipechologged "[+]Configuring nginx's $APPNAME config 
at /etc/nginx/conf.d/$APPNAME"# Create common nginx sectionsmkdir 
/etc/nginx/conf.d/"$APPNAME"echo 'gzip_static on;gzip_http_version   
1.1;gzip_proxied        expired no-cache no-store private auth;gzip_disable     
   "MSIE [1-6]\.";gzip_vary           on;' > 
/etc/nginx/conf.d/"$APPNAME"/gzip_static.confecho 'gzip on;gzip_disable 
"msie6";gzip_vary on;gzip_proxied any;gzip_comp_level 6;gzip_buffers 16 
8k;gzip_http_version 1.1;gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json 
application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss 
text/javascript;' > /etc/nginx/conf.d/"$APPNAME"/gzip.conf# Create 
configuration file /etc/nginx/sites-available/"$APPNAME"echo "server {        
listen          80;        server_name     $DOMAINS;        ###to enable 
correct use of response.static_version        #location ~* 
^/(\w+)/static(?:/_[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)?/(.*)$ {        #    alias 
/home/www-data/$APPNAME/applications/\$1/static/\$2;        #    expires max;   
     #}        ###        ###if you use something like myapp = 
dict(languages=['en', 'it', 'jp'], default_language='en') in your routes.py     
   #location ~* ^/(\w+)/(en|it|jp)/static/(.*)$ {        #    alias 
/home/www-data/$APPNAME/applications/\$1/;        #    try_files static/\$2/\$3 
static/\$3 = 404;        #}        ###        location ~* ^/(\w+)/static/ {     
       root /home/www-data/$APPNAME/applications/;            #remove next 
comment on production            #expires max;            ### if you want to 
use pre-gzipped static files (recommended)            ### check 
scripts/zip_static_files.py and remove the comments            # include 
/etc/nginx/conf.d/$APPNAME/gzip_static.conf;            ###        }        
location / {            uwsgi_pass      unix:///tmp/$APPNAME.socket;            
include         uwsgi_params;            uwsgi_param     UWSGI_SCHEME \$scheme; 
           uwsgi_param     SERVER_SOFTWARE    'nginx/\$nginx_version';          
  ###remove the comments to turn on if you want gzip compression of your pages  
          # include /etc/nginx/conf.d/$APPNAME/gzip.conf;            ### end 
gzip section            ### remove the comments if you use uploads (max 10 MB)  
          #client_max_body_size 10m;            ###        }}server {        
listen 443 ssl spdy;        server_name     $DOMAINS;        ssl_certificate    
     /etc/nginx/ssl/$APPNAME.crt;        ssl_certificate_key     
/etc/nginx/ssl/$APPNAME.key;        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;        
ssl_session_cache shared:ssl_session_cache:1M;        ssl_session_timeout 600m; 
        ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;        keepalive_timeout    70;    
    location / {            uwsgi_pass      unix:///tmp/$APPNAME.socket;        
    include         uwsgi_params;            uwsgi_param     UWSGI_SCHEME 
\$scheme;            uwsgi_param     SERVER_SOFTWARE    
'nginx/\$nginx_version';            ###remove the comments to turn on if you 
want gzip compression of your pages            # include 
/etc/nginx/conf.d/$APPNAME/gzip.conf;            ### end gzip section           
 ### remove the comments if you want to enable uploads (max 10 MB)            
#client_max_body_size 10m;            ###        }        ## if you serve 
static files through https, copy here the section        ## from the previous 
server instance to manage static files}" 
>/etc/nginx/sites-available/"$APPNAME"#Link to sites-enabled (up)ln -s 
/etc/nginx/sites-available/"$APPNAME" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/"$APPNAME"rm 
/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/defaultlogged "[+]Building SSL/TLS stuff"#### Work on 
SSL stuffmkdir /etc/nginx/sslcd /etc/nginx/ssl# Create a temporary openssl 
confecho "[ req ]default_bits              = 2048default_keyfile   = 
privkey.pemdistinguished_name = req_distinguished_namestring_mask = utf8only[ 
req_distinguished_name ]countryName                     = Country Name (2 
letter code)countryName_default               = AUcountryName_min               
      = 2countryName_max                      = 2stateOrProvinceName          = 
State or Province Name (full name)stateOrProvinceName_default = 
Some-StatelocalityName                        = Locality Name (eg, 
city)0.organizationName            = Organization Name (eg, 
company)0.organizationName_default     = Internet Widgits Pty 
LtdorganizationalUnitName                = Organizational Unit Name (eg, 
section)commonName                      = Common Name (e.g. server FQDN, your 
PRIMARY domain)commonName_max                     = 64emailAddress              
          = Email AddressemailAddress_max         = 64[ usr_cert 
]basicConstraints=CA:TRUEkeyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, 
 > /tmp/openssl.cnflogged '[+]Creating a x509 certificate (2048 bits key-length 
and valid for 365 days) to run HTTPS'openssl genrsa -out "$APPNAME".key 
2048chmod 400 "$APPNAME".keyopenssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -key 
"$APPNAME".key -config /tmp/openssl.cnf -extensions usr_cert -out 
"$APPNAME".crtopenssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -text -in "$APPNAME".crt > 
"$APPNAME".inform -rf /tmp/certificate.txtlogged "[+]Creating uwsgi 
configuration file /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/$APPNAME.ini"####### Create 
configuration file /etc/uwsgi/"$APPNAME".iniecho "[uwsgi]socket = 
/tmp/$APPNAME.socketpythonpath = /home/www-data/$APPNAME/mount = 
/=wsgihandler:applicationprocesses = 4master = trueharakiri = 60reload-mercy = 
8cpu-affinity = 1stats = /tmp/$APPNAME.stats.socketmax-requests = 2000limit-as 
= 512reload-on-as = 256reload-on-rss = 192uid = www-datagid = www-datacron = 0 
0 -1 -1 -1 python3 /home/www-data/$APPNAME/web2py.py -Q -S welcome -M -R 
scripts/sessions2trash.py -A -ono-orphans = trueenable-threads = true" 
>/etc/uwsgi/apps-available/"$APPNAME".iniln -s 
/etc/uwsgi/apps-available/"$APPNAME".ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/logged 
"[+]Downloading and installing Web2py"# Install Web2pymkdir /home/www-datacd 
/home/www-datawget http://web2py.com/examples/static/web2py_src.zipunzip 
web2py_src.ziprm web2py_src.zipmv web2py "$APPNAME"chown -R www-data:www-data 
"$APPNAME"cd /home/www-data/"$APPNAME"sudo -u www-data python3 -c "from 
gluon.main import save_password; save_password('$PW',443)"# Needed on new 
versions of web2py where new folders where addedln -s handlers/wsgihandler.py 
.logged "[+]"Creating app\'s remove\(rm\) script at 
/home/www-data/"$APPNAME"/"$APPNAME"_remove_app.sh#Create app remove(rm) 
scriptecho "#!/bin/bashrm -rf /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/"$APPNAME".ini 
/tmp/$APPNAME* /home/www-data/$APPNAMEsystemctl stop nginx.servicefind 
/etc/nginx/ -name *$APPNAME* -exec rm -rf {} \\;systemctl restart 
nginx.servicesystemctl reload uwsgi.service" > 
/home/www-data/"$APPNAME"/"$APPNAME"_remove_app.sh && chmod +x 
/home/www-data/"$APPNAME"/"$APPNAME"_remove_app.shlogged '[+](Re)Starting 
services'#(Re)Start servicessystemctl restart nginx.servicesystemctl restart 
uwsgi.serviceecho 'Done! Enjoy your app!'echoecho -e '**** you can reload uwsgi 
withsudo systemctl reload uwsgi.service**** and stop it withsudo systemctl stop 
uwsgi.service**** to reload web2py only (without restarting uwsgi)sudo touch 
--no-dereference /etc/uwsgi/"$APPNAME".ini'logged 'Finished SETUP'echo 
'=====================================================' | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"

I'm just testing locally so I don't have a public IP address or a domain 
name so I just enter random names for domain name and app name.
I get a 502 bad gateway error when I try to browse the website.
In my /var/log/uwsgi/app/appname.log I get this errors:

Mon Jul  6 04:15:02 2020 - mapped 364600 bytes (356 KB) for 4 cores
Mon Jul  6 04:15:02 2020 - *** Operational MODE: preforking ***
Mon Jul  6 04:15:02 2020 - *** no app loaded. going in full dynamic mode ***
Mon Jul  6 04:15:02 2020 - *** uWSGI is running in multiple interpreter 
mode ***
Mon Jul  6 04:15:02 2020 - !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mon Jul  6 04:15:02 2020 - no request plugin is loaded, you will not be 
able to manage requests.
Mon Jul  6 04:15:02 2020 - you may need to install the package for your 
language of choice, or simply load it with --plugin.
Mon Jul  6 04:15:02 2020 - !!!!!!!!!!! END OF WARNING !!!!!!!!!!

I need help to make this work since I really don't know how to fix this 
because I basically don't know what I'm doing and I would also like to run 
uwsgi in emperor mode but I don;t really know how to achieve that, any help 
would be highly appreciated.

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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