yes Peewee is more actcie but I would not say pydal is abandoned. pydal is 
more mature and there were commits as recent as last week. In my opinion it 
needs very little work and I am reluctant to change things. Many of the 
issues are requests for new features, some are how to, or support for 
exhotic features. There are also many issue that have been fixed but the 
issue has not been closed. When I have time I will take a pass and close a 

I do not think there are many bugs in pydal that need fixing excecpt for 
the need to support google cloud storage in py3.

On Monday, 11 May 2020 13:27:14 UTC-7, Val K wrote:
> There are 131 issues on pyDAL-GitHub, but the problem is not in the amount 
> but in that more than half of them without any response. Look at peewee 
> that has 7.5k stars and only 2 open issues!... yes, this is impolite 
> comparision - sorry.
> I've just need to implement CTE + WITH RECURSIVE (like this 
> and I wasted 2 days to figure out how I can do very simple thing like  '1 
> AS foo'  in right way that is (as I suppose):
> Expression(db, '1', type='integer').with_alias('foo')
> So, the question is: why is there nothing about that in the book?
> Why does pyDAL have no that very simple but very necessary method  which 
> allows to do cool things like:
>  db(...).select(
>     ...,
>     db.exp(
>        'max(product.price) OVER(PARTITION BY product.category)', 
>        type = 'decimal(n, m)' # the same as Field(..., type = 'decimal(n, 
> m)')
>     ).with_alias('most_expensive_in_category')
> )
> here is used WINDOW-function that allows to get products list with 
> 'most_expensive_in_category' in *one* plain query 
> *without using subquery* with GRUOP BY product.category + join
> Also there is my PR on web2py book 
> it hangs for almost a year - it is just a book, not code
> I'm sad

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