On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 12:52:24 PM UTC-7 lucas wrote:

> i'm sorry that doesn't make sense to me.  nonetheless, i tried it with 
> different variable names, as:

My thought was that using the same name was getting into type problems,. 

> if 1:
>     ss = Storage(s='main')
>     ss.happy = 'yes happy'
>     print("1:::", ss, type(ss))
>     s1 = repr(ss)
>     print("2:::", s1, type(s1))
>     s2 = eval(s1)
>     print("3:::", s2, type(s2))
> and i still got the same error:
> 1::: <Storage {'s': 'main', 'happy': 'yes happy'}> <class 
> 'gluon.storage.Storage'>
> 2::: <Storage {'s': 'main', 'happy': 'yes happy'}> <class 'str'>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./web2py_Storage.py", line 17, in <module>
>     s2 = eval(s1)
>   File "<string>", line 1
>     <Storage {'s': 'main', 'happy': 'yes happy'}>
>     ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> there are so many convertors like to and from json, wouldn't it make sense 
> to and from string for storage?  thank you again, lucas

Storage is a special version of dictionary (er, dict), and I don't 
recognize eval() as a way to initialize a dictionary.   Storage is also 
pretty simple as a child of dict; gluon/storage.py isn't many lines, and 
Storage isn't the only class defined there.

This does work:

s1 = "<Storage {'s': 'main', 'happy': 'yes happy'}>"
s2 = Storage()
for sub in s1.replace("<Storage {'",'').replace("'}>",'').split(','):
    key, val = sub.replace("'", "").split(':')
    key = key.strip().rstrip()
    val = val.strip().rstrip()
    s2[key] = val

print(s1, type(s1))
print(s2, type(s2))

Most of the mess in the code comes from de-formatting s1

> On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 3:07:29 AM UTC-4 snide...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 9:43:19 AM UTC-7 lucas wrote:
>>> hello one and all,
>>> i'd like to save and recover Storage instances to a text blob field in a 
>>> database.  converting to the string is not hard to store it in the field.  
>>> recovering it back to a Storage instance is other issue, especially when 
>>> they're embedded Storage objects in the main Storage object.  i've tried 
>>> from a script file not under a web2py application as:
>>> #!/usr/bin/env python3
>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>> from sys import path, argv
>>> path.append('/opt/web2py_apps/web2py/')
>>> from gluon import *
>>> from gluon.storage import Storage
>>> if 1:
>>>     ss = Storage(s='main')
>>>     ss.happy = 'yes happy'
>>>     #ss.status = Storage(s1="1status1", s2="2status2")
>>>     print("1:::", ss, type(ss))
>>>     ss = repr(ss)
>>>     print("2:::", ss, type(ss))
>>>     #xglobal, xlocal = globals(), { }
>>>     #eval(ss, xglobal, xlocal)
>>>     ss = eval(ss)
>>>     print("3:::", ss, type(ss))
>>> exit()
>>> with output:
>>> 1::: <Storage {'s': 'main', 'happy': 'yes happy'}> <class 
>>> 'gluon.storage.Storage'>
>>> 2::: <Storage {'s': 'main', 'happy': 'yes happy'}> <class 'str'>
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "./web2py_Storage.py", line 17, in <module>
>>>     ss = eval(ss)
>>>   File "<string>", line 1
>>>     <Storage {'s': 'main', 'happy': 'yes happy'}>
>>>     ^
>>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> any ideas how to make this work smoothly?  thank you in advance, lucas
>> When you convert the storage to string (via the repr() call), don't use 
>> the same name.
>> /dps

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