Hi Web2py 
I hope someone can explains this puzzling behavior. The code below was 
taken from the book, and it works as given, but when I remove the  
"yes_or_no" condition from the field list parameters it causes 
a KeyError('id') error, and I don't understand why. 

*    condition = db.person.name.startswith('B')*
*    yes_or_no = condition.case('Yes', 'No')*
*    rows = db(db.person.name == 'Bob').select(db.person.name,yes_or_no 
).as_dict()  *
*    rows = db(db.person.name == 'Bob').select(db.person.ALL).as_dict()  *
*    ## the two select examples above works as expected*

*    rows = db(db.person.name == 'Bob').select(db.person.name).as_dict()  *
This last example in red throws a KeyError('id') error when trying to name 
specific fields, but  works fine when returning ALL fields, or when a 
condition is specified.

Thank you

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