I have this code below for a service worker, its primary purpose was for it 
to serve an offline page when the user is offline, it works ok as intended 
but the problem its causing now is that its preventing forms from 
submitting & other pages from opening!! Its javascript but i was hoping to 
get help from this platform nonetheless

*'use strict';var cacheVersion = 1;var currentCache = {  offline: 
'offline-cache' + cacheVersion};const offlineUrl = 
'//off_line';this.addEventListener('install', event => {  event.waitUntil(  
  caches.open(currentCache.offline).then(function(cache) {      return 
cache.addAll([          '/offline_Image.png',          
'/sesoa_banner.png',         '/bootstrap.min.css',          
'/web2py-bootstrap3.css',          '/mystyle.css',          offlineUrl      
]);    })  );});this.addEventListener('fetch', event => {  // request.mode 
= navigate isn't supported in all browsers  // so include a check for 
Accept: text/html header.  if (event.request.mode === 'navigate' || 
(event.request.method === 'GET' && 
event.request.headers.get('accept').includes('text/html'))) {        
event.respondWith(          fetch(event.request.url).catch(error => {      
        // Return the offline page              return 
caches.match(offlineUrl);          })    );  }    else{        // Respond 
with everything else if we can        
.then(function (response) {                        return response || 
fetch(event.request);                    })            );      }*


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