On Oct 9, 9:27 am, Chris S <sanders.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just wanted to throw out another update since I've received e-mails
> from others who are/were interested in using web2py on Midphase.  I
> received an e-mail from one of the sales reps at Midphase asking what
> they would need to change for Midphase to be considered a good option
> for web2py hosting.
> I said:
> Python 2.5 or 2.6 support
> FastCGI/WSGI help files
> Best case, web2py FastCGI/WSGI instructions
> I'll post here again if something changes.  I'll be honest I haven't
> even messed with the Python 2.4 support any further.  After finding
> basically no WSGI/FsatCGI help on the midphase site and being told the
> wrong answers from the live tech support I've just been using GAE for
> now.  Hopefully this really does change I'd love to try out web2py on
> a host with a SQL database as I think I'll like it a lot better than
> GAE.

I had a similarly bad experience with their tech "support" when I
approached them about python a while ago. Maybe now that their sales
end of business is involved things will change, otherwise its their
loss as hosting will be done somewhere else.
Thanks and keep us posted.

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