Joe -

Some of these suggestions I like...

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Joe Barnhart <> wrote:

> We could make the wiki even simpler...
>    1. Get rid of "comments" on each page.  The wiki IS "comments" it
>    doesn't need additional comments!
Hmmm.... yes, but with a caveat:  if page-changing (e.g. child page to a
page) is setup, then "comments" become irrelevant, and just a special case
of the general changing.

This is important if there are to be ACL lists, since (for example) you may
want to have one group write a tutorial, but let anyone add comments (e.g.

>    1.
>    2. Get rid of tags.  Tags imply we know in advance what the structure
>    of the wiki is.  We don't.  Instead the structure should evolve dynamically
>    with wiki pages.
Hmmm.... meta-information can be good, can aid search, but I think you are
right the structure should evolve - just that tags may serve a purpose in
holding multi-dimensionality to that structure.

>    1.
>    2. Generate a set of search keys for each page.  Filter out the
>    punctuation and whitespace, then toss uninteresting words ('a', 'the', etc)
>    and save the remaining words as a text field to help with full-text
>    searching.
>    3. Cache the generated HTML in the database to avoid re-processing the
>    RST every time a page hit occurs.  Most entries are edited rarely but 
> viewed
>    often.
>    4. Permission levels should have site administrators, site contributors
>    (editors), and guests.  Admins can edit "immutable" pages, contributors can
>    create and edit normal content, and guests can read anything but not edit.
> The design goal should look more like MediaWiki and less like a blog,
> IMHO.  Less space wasted for header and navigation and more area devoted to
> content.

MediaWiki, and Twiki are two notable current examples, but there are some
other interesting wiki concepts out there - and perhaps some of our numbers
will come with an innovation or two...

> I've also been playing with ideas for the web2py wiki.  See my site at
>  for an unfinished prototype.

I like the general look of this!

> Try the editing feature and notice the AJAX call to process RST and preview
> your changes.  Just click at the bottom of the edit page to re-render the
> RST at any time.


> Create a new page just by entering its WikiName in the URL and then hitting
> "edit".  Remember to edit the main page and add your new page to the list.

This is a NICE feature, but I wonder if it is too one-dimensional.  I
suppose "next" or child pages could be created by links on the "parent"
page.... and maybe that is the right way...  If you want people to comment
on your pages (regardless of ACL) you add a comments link at the bottom of
your page, and make that page editable by all.... where people add pages
(e.g. "comments")

The needed piece, perhaps, then is "backlinks" - which page is referring to
the current page - to complete the sense of "structure".

> This wiki sample is unprotected by signon, so it'll probably get defaced
> quickly and I'll have to take it down.  But for awhile you can see the
> direction I am suggesting -- albeit in a very unfinished state!

Thanks - nice job.   Perhaps you can share this, and get more collaboration
at some point?

> Joe B.


> >

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