Thanks all,

Now is more clear to me.


On 16 abr, 19:23, mdipierro <> wrote:
> I would recommend
>     form = crud.create(, onaccept=give_update_permission)
> Massimo
> On Apr 16, 11:20 am, Mathieu Clabaut <>
> wrote:
> > I have used form.element to prepopulate a form :
> >     form = crud.create(, onaccept=give_update_permission)
> >     # add current date as default form
> >     form.element('input', _name="date")['_value'] =
> > > time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
> > At this point, form is still not a string but an HTML Helper which provides
> > DOM access.... (Correct me if I'm wrong).
> > Are there some cons for this method (I prefer it as it does not alter the
> > model defaults).
> > -Mathieu
> > On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 17:34, Thadeus Burgess <>wrote:
> > > Because SQLFORM builds the HTML as soon as you instantiate the class.
> > > So you cannot edit anything after you create your form, since all of
> > > the html is already built, in strings.
> > > Specifying the default is the way to go here (annoying... I know).
> > > I usually perform the following
> > > if record_id:
> > >   record = db.user[record_id]
> > > =
> > > =
> > >   ... etc etc
> > > form = SQLFORM.factory(
> > >,, Field('CustomField', default='hi')
> > > )
> > > --
> > > Thadeus
> > > On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:57 AM, salbefe <> wrote:
> > > > Thank you Massimo,
> > > > But
> > > > =
> > > > =
> > > > =
> > > > =
> > > > is the rigth way to preopulate a SQLFORM.factory form?????
> > > > Why not once the form is defined, can I do form.vars.title =
> > > > 'something' for example????
> > > > Thanks
> > > > On 16 abr, 15:35, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > >> There is not such function.
> > > >> I think by
> > > >>            if change_user_data(user):
> > > >> he actually means
> > > >>            if user is allowed change do what he is trying to do:
> > > >> depending on the logicl you may not need this if statement at all.
> > > >> Massimo
> > > >> On Apr 16, 6:55 am, salbefe <> wrote:
> > > >> > Hello,
> > > >> > I have a SQLFORM.factory form that I need to prepopulate with some
> > > >> > data from a database.
> > > >> > id_nodo = request.args(0)
> > > >> > ## I get the data from the database
> > > >> > nodo = db(
> > > >> > detalle = db(db.node_details.node_id==id_nodo).select().first()
> > > >> >  ##Now I need to prepolutate the fields title and body that I get 
> > > >> > from
> > > >> > the database
> > > >> >  ## title = nodo.title, body = detalle.body
> > > >> >  form = SQLFORM.factory(db.node.title,db.node_details.body)
> > > >> >     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
> > > >> >         response.flash='Form accepted'
> > > >> >     return dict(form=form)
> > > >> > As I read on this threadhttp://
> > >
> > > >> > somebody with the same problem as me did the following:
> > > >> > user = db(( == req_user_id) & (db.addr.user ==
> > > >> > req_user_id)).select()[0]
> > > >> > =
> > > >> > =
> > > >> > =
> > > >> > =
> > > >> >         form =
> > > >> > SQLFORM.factory(,db.user.rname,
> > > >> >         if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
> > > >> >            # change the user data
> > > >> >            if change_user_data(user):
> > > >> >               user.user.update_record( # <----
> > > >> >               user.addr.update_record( # <----
> > > >> >               response.flash = 'form accepted'
> > > >> >            else:
> > > >> >               response.flash = 'form not accepted'
> > > >> >           redirect(URL(r=request,f='index'))
> > > >> > I do not understand  "if change_user_data(user):"
> > > >> > I have tried :
> > > >> >    db.node.title.default = nodo.title
> > > >> >    db.node_details.body = detalle.body
> > > >> >    form = SQLFORM.factory(db.node.title,db.node_details.body)
> > > >> >     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
> > > >> >        if change_node_data(node):
> > > >> >        .......................................
> > > >> >        ......................................
> > > >> > but I get an execption ('global name change_node_data is not 
> > > >> > defined'.
> > > >> > Could anyone tell me how can I prepolutate the SQLFORM.factory 
> > > >> > form???
> > > >> > Why is the function change_user_data used in that example if is not
> > > >> > defined ????
> > > >> > Thanks in advance
> > > >> > --
> > > >> > Subscription settings:
> > >

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