On May 13, 2:24 pm, annet <annet.verm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know web2py can connect to multiple databases, and I wonder whether
> it would be possible to have two db.py files: db1.py and db2.py, where
> db1.py connects to the database containing the first type of data and
> db2.py connects to the company's database. db2.py would also contain
> the auth_ tables.

Hi annet

I also process requests from multiple companies.  I use a separate DB
for each company:


I populate this list manually, and this is how I enable a company for
access.  Then, I select from this table right there in the model file
to keep the list available in a dict, and create the models on the sub-
DBs in a routine that is called on every record:

def define_company_db_tables(db_C);
    'description', length=128
    'otherfield, 'integer'
    'blah', length=128
    'bleh, 'integer'

rows = db().select(db.company_db.ALL)
company_db_dict = {}
for row in rows:
  company_db_dict[row.id] = DAL(row.connection_string)
  # This line is not required by the app,
  # but allows the admin interface to be used
  # to query the DBs of each company
  exec('db_%d = company_db_dict[row.id]' % (row.id))

The primary reason I do this is so that at some later date it the
company in question wants to self-host the web-app, for whatever
reason, they will be able to easily extact their specific data since
it all lies within a single DB.  In the controllers, I check for a
provided access_key either in the args, or in POST-data, and use that
to find the correct DB for that company by doing a select on
db.company_db, followed by an index into company_db_dict.   You could
also make the company_db_dict hash directly from the access_key to the
db connection.

I don't know whether this strategy is considered "good practice" or
not, but it's working quite well so far.

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