
Only a question, at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ibm_db/ there is a
Python DBI driver for DB2. Why web2py is still using ODBC?? Will not
be better to use this one instead of pyodbc??


On 11 mayo, 16:27, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Thank you. will look into it.
> Massimo
> On May 11, 6:31 am, Alexey Nezhdanov <snak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi.
> > I've come across another subtle problem with web2py's DAL running over IBM
> >DB2database.
> >DB2requires the left table to immidiatedly preceed the 'left outer join'
> > keyword.
> > IOW:
> > select * from a, b left outer join c on c.a_id=a.id
> > is incorrect. Correct form is:
> > select * from b, a left outer join c on c.a_id=a.id
> > it looks moronish enough, but alas, we have to live with it.
> > I have modified my local copy of web2py to satisfy this requirement.
> > Please note that this sample can not be copypasted into web2py's sql.py as
> > is because of full_table_name wrapper that I added to solve another problem
> > - schemas support. But replacing 'full_table_name(db, t)' with just 't'
> > should work just fine.
> >             join = attributes['left']
> >             command = self._db._translator['left join']
> >             if not isinstance(join, (tuple, list)):
> >                 join = [join]
> >             joint = [t._tablename for t in join if not isinstance(t,
> >                      SQLJoin)]
> >             joinon = [t for t in join if isinstance(t, SQLJoin)]
> >             tables_to_merge={}
> > [tables_to_merge.update(dict.fromkeys(parse_tablenames(str(t.query)))) for t
> > in joinon]
> >             joinont = [t.table._tablename for t in joinon]
> >             [tables_to_merge.pop(t) for t in joinont if t in
> > tables_to_merge]
> >             important_tablenames = joint + joinont + tables_to_merge.keys()
> >             excluded = [t for t in tablenames if not t in
> > important_tablenames ]
> >             sql_t = ', '.join([full_table_name(self._db, t) for t in
> > excluded + tables_to_merge.keys()])
> >             if joint:
> >                 sql_t += ' %s %s' % (command, ',
> > '.join([full_table_name(self._db, t) for t in joint]))
> >             for t in joinon:
> >                 sql_t += ' %s %s' % (command, str(t))
> > Regards
> > Alexey

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