On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:30 AM, mdipierro wrote:

> The idea is that any web app is a set of pages that contain stuff.
> Some are public some are not, some have other permissions, some are
> listed in a hierarchical menu some not. Therefore it should be
> possible to develop as app as one creates a wiki, by adding pages and
> filling the pages.
> In web2py every URL is mapped into a action. An action is a function +
> template.
> In cu29 every URL (technically only those URL managed by the
> plugin_wiki/page action) is a page. The page is described by the
> markmin syntax and it can contain stuff because markmin allows to
> include high level widgets (not to be confused with
> db.table.field.widget).
> You can have both together if you apply plugin_wiki from cu29 to your
> apps.
> Hope it makes sense.

Yes, thanks.

One more thing, for those of us who haven't followed the whole history (two 
more things, I guess): why 'cube'? why '9'?

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