2010/7/20 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>:
> response.meta.mycustomfield='bla bla bla'

I wasn't referring to custom fields in the header, It's about custom
fields in the wiki pages table.

if I need for example: create categories for pages, include more
information that are not part of the page body( and for that I am
using the title field).
Would like to have custom fields without having to change the model,
there is a ready way?

I am trying to create my own widget to do this by creating a new table
"page_custom_fields" related to the ID of the page. but, if there is
already an easy(ready) way.

just to clarify, I'm migrating my blog from wordpress to cube2py, so
I'm trying to implement what I have in wordpress using widgets.

I made changes in authentication, comments and tags are ok.
My needs now are: SEO (partially solved, because I want to do this
using db custom fields),
and obviously the way to create custom fields in database, using wiki
markup ( a widget) .

2010/7/20 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>:
> response.meta.mycustomfield='bla bla bla'
> On Jul 20, 9:38 am, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Massimo, what about custom fields, there is a way using a widget or I
>> have to change the model?
>> tks
>> 2010/7/20 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>:
>> > In the page/meta-code you can do
>> > response.meta.keywords='.....'
>> > response.meta.description='....' etc.
>> > they will find their way into the header of the page automatically
>> > On Jul 19, 9:14 pm, rochacbruno <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> As a Brazilian I  agree with Julio, BTW I'm using the title field to
>> >> create a custom index.
>> >> however it would be better if we had the option to include custom
>> >> fields, that way we could delete the title field, and create how many
>> >> custom fields as we need for a page.
>> >> In my case, I am migrating my Blog from wordpress, to a new platform
>> >> that I'm developing with cube2py, the same way, just the Home Page
>> >> will be in blog style, and I am using TITLE to diff posts from pages,
>> >> custom field should be better.
>> >> In wordpress I use a plugin called ALL-IN-ONE-SEO-PACK 
>> >> <http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/>
>> >> Generates META tags automatically, You can override any title and set
>> >> any META description and any META keywords you want, and provide a way
>> >> to change the SLUG from canonical URL.
>> >> I need to implement this with cube2py, any idea?
>> >> --
>> >> ** Custom FIelds for pages ( that fields, should be reference field to
>> >> render a dropdown, boolean to render a Chekbox, etc)
>> >> ** SEO Tools ( Just Like Wordpress-AIOSP)
>> >> --
>> >> On Jul 19, 8:48 pm, Júlio Monteiro <jmonte...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > Hello,
>> >> > In my opinion title should stay, specially for us Brazilians that use 
>> >> > lots
>> >> > of accented letters on titles, and also it should be displayed by 
>> >> > default as
>> >> > H1 on the top of the page, then it would have more meaning.
>> >> > Just my 2 cents,
>> >> > Julio Monteiro
>> >> > On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 6:32 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> 
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> > > I could remove the title. You have a point. Anybody opposed?
>> >> > > On Jul 19, 3:36 pm, Chris S <sanders.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > > > I've been looking through cube2py and just can not figure out what 
>> >> > > > the
>> >> > > > "Title" field for a wiki_page is used for.
>> >> > > > The slug is used when:
>> >> > > > -referencing a link
>> >> > > > -generating the URL (match against slug)
>> >> > > > The title is used:
>> >> > > > -In the auto generated History page
>> >> > > > So why not just always refer to a page by it's slug?  It just looks 
>> >> > > > to
>> >> > > > me like this is going to confuse users who try to use the Title to
>> >> > > > link a page, or in the url when in fact it's almost never used at
>> >> > > > all.  I tried creating these various pages and was shocked how
>> >> > > > confusing the user could make it.  Here's a sample.
>> >> > > > Slug:Title
>> >> > > > ----------
>> >> > > > Home:test
>> >> > > > test:Test
>> >> > > > home:Home
>> >> > > > Test:home
>> >> > > > This is a completely valid combination of slugs and titles I'm just
>> >> > > > not sure why it would be allowed to get so confusing.  Is there an
>> >> > > > expectation to use the title in future, currently non developed,
>> >> > > > features?
>> >> > > > On Jul 18, 5:50 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
>> >> > > > > thanks. In trunk!
>> >> > > > > On Jul 17, 11:33 pm, Scott <blueseas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > > > > > Better late than never!  Here are a few cosmetic changes for the
>> >> > > > > > Widget Builder page.  Please note that I've only included the 
>> >> > > > > > lines
>> >> > > to
>> >> > > > > > be changed; the rest of the lines should remain as-is.
>> >> > > > > > Thanks!
>> >> > > > > > bar_chart: Uses Google charting API to embed a bar chart
>> >> > > > > > * names is a list of comma separated labels (one for data item)
>> >> > > > > > create:
>> >> > > > > > * hidden_fields is a list of comma separated fields
>> >> > > > > > jqgrid:
>> >> > > > > > * table is the table name
>> >> > > > > > * col_width is the width of each column (default)
>> >> > > > > > latex: Uses Google charting API to embed LaTeX
>> >> > > > > > map: Embeds a Google map
>> >> > > > > > The table must have columns: latidude, longitude and map_popup.
>> >> > > > > > When clicking on a dot, the map_popup message will appear.
>> >> > > > > > pie_chart: Uses Google charting API to embed a pie chart
>> >> > > > > > * names is a list of comma separated labels (one for data item)
>> >> > > > > > search:
>> >> > > > > > * fields is a list of comma separated fields to be displayed
>> >> > > > > > slideshow:
>> >> > > > > > * transition determines the type of transition, e.g. fade, etc.
>> >> > > > > > (***look @ code!!)
>> >> > > > > > tag_cloud: Embeds a tag cloud
>> >> > > > > > update:
>> >> > > > > > * hidden_fields is a list of comma separated fields
>> >> > > > > > On Jul 13, 10:46 pm, Scott <blueseas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > > > > > > Massimo,
>> >> > > > > > > I'll take a look at the arguments and instructions tomorrow 
>> >> > > > > > > and
>> >> > > give
>> >> > > > > > > you a report.
>> >> > > > > > > Cheers,
>> >> > > > > > > --Scott
>> >> > > > > > > On Jul 13, 5:49 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
>> >> > > > > > > > Please checkoutcube2pyagain. Now it has two new features:
>> >> > > > > > > > 1) a button [widget builder] that allows you to build 
>> >> > > > > > > > widgets
>> >> > > from a
>> >> > > > > > > > menu with ajax popup. It could not get easier.
>> >> > > > > > > > I could use somebody to go over the list of arguments and
>> >> > > instructions
>> >> > > > > > > > shown in the builder to make sure they are consistent.
>> >> > > > > > > > 2) the widgets can also be embedded if 
>> >> > > > > > > > plugin_wiki_mode='html'
>> >> > > with
>> >> > > > > > > > elRTE wysiwyg editor, but elRTE has to be in 'source' mode 
>> >> > > > > > > > so you
>> >> > > can
>> >> > > > > > > > usecube2pywithout using MARKMIN.
>> >> > > > > > > > Massimo
>> --
>> http://rochacbruno.com.br



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