I would like more detailed information about testing, unittest,
docTest. explaining how it works in detail, and showing a good example
of a test using the 'test' in appadmin

2010/7/24 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>:
> I have identified the following items that are missing from the book.
> Listed here in some random order.
> compute fields
> virtual fields
> crud.search
> RPXAccount
> new validators
> populate
> plugins
> LOAD and generic.load
> Field attributes (compute, virtualfield, uploadseparate)
> format, represent
> recursive queries
> MARKMIN syntax
> Informix support
> named id fields
> keyedtables
> DAL('gae')
> first() last()
> find(), sort(), exclude()
> as_dict(), as_list()
> request.meta
> request.wsgi
> IS_IN_DB(....,and=....)
> python web2py.py -S app -M -R script.py -A arg1 arg2 arg3
> New syntax T("%(a)s") % dict(a="hello")
> web2py.py -nogui
> SQLFORM.factory(...,table_name='no_table')
> new setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh
> new setup-web2py-fedora.sh
> autocomplete widget
> pam authentication
> auth.settings.login_captcha and auth.settings.register_captcha
> crud.settings.create_captcha and  crud.settings.update_captcha
> gluon/contrib/login_methods/linkedin_account.py (to be tested)
> cherrypy to rocket
> SQLFORM(...,formstyle='divs')
> SQLTABLE(...,headers='fieldname:capitalize')
> Field().with_alias
> has_membership(group=...,role=...)
> db.define_table(username=True)
> gluon.tools.prettydate, gluon.tools.geocode
> gluon.contrib.AuthorizeNet
> gluon.contrib.sms_utils
> can specify hostname in routes_out (same syntax as routes in)
> db.table.bulk_insert([...records...]) now works on GAE
> OPTGROUP helper
> fake_migrate to restore borken db metadata
> x509 emails
> attachment and html in Mail on GAE
> TAG(html) parese html into helpers (experimental, still some problems
> with unicode)
> DIV.elements(find=re.compile(....))
> DIV.flatten()
> DIV.elements('....') supports jQuery syntax in '....'



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