look at post #5 in this thread
(also by me).  i used to to create a custom view on google app engine
for reading tickets.  (i don't use it anymore because i just use the
google logs), but you might be able to adapt it for your purposes.

good luck!


On Jul 28, 1:43 pm, Stef Mientki <stef.mien...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  hello,
> when an error occurs, a nice formatted page with something like "Invalid 
> request" appears.
> Then you have to got to the error messages,
> try to open that ( for which an adminstrators password is required).
> Isn't it possible to get the content of the error message right away insted 
> of  "Invalid request"
> (btw this is not meant for the end user, but very handy during debugging).
> thanks,
> Stef Mientki

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