Here are my thoughts, point by point:

- web2py does support unit testing as it uses python code.  I think
the article author means you cannot currently set up unit tests within
the administration console.  You can configure tests as much or as
little as you like from the command line.

- I think the article author should elaborate on the meaning of the
phrase “used in a twisted way to design the framework”.  I don't see
anything twisted about the implementation; web2py is a WSGI
application.  Personally, I think following Style Guide for Python
Code (PEP-8) is a good thing.  Why is following the standard Style
Guide a bad thing?  It promotes readability, consistency and

- I cannot disagree with the author more on his view of error
reporting.  I prefer having the list of errors viewable from the
administration console so I can refer to previous errors without
grepping through logs.  Not only that, but web2py built-in error
reporting gives you hyperlinks to the files so you can track down the
root cause.  This is a Good Thing™!  Furthermore, you could just
enable & tail the debug log if it bothers you that much.

On Aug 1, 1:28 pm, David Marko <> wrote:

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